Adidas, Nike under fire over supply chain abuses | Uber threatens EU pullout | Levi Strauss facing forced labour allegations
In today's Portfolio Intelligence Daily, where we highlight under the radar investment themes and idiosyncratic company risks:
Auquan’s analyst team curates these summaries from our intelligence engine, which uses retrieval augmented generation (RAG AI) to uncover unique insights at scale, typically involving emerging markets, supply chains, financially-material ESG risks, and the impact of regulatory changes.
Adidas, Nike under fire over supply chain abuses in Cambodia
Adidas and Nike are facing fresh allegations over their supply chains in Cambodia where workers claim that they are unable to afford basic necessities and accuse the companies of wage theft.
“The unjust practices of major brands are trapping the workers who make our clothes in a cycle of poverty. We are calling on global brands manufacturing in Cambodia to ensure workers in their supply chains are paid a fair wage.” — Michelle Higelin, the executive director of ActionAid Australia (source )
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Tags: #nike #adidas #cambodia #supplychain #esg #laborrights #wagetheft #humanrights
Uber threatens EU pullout?
Uber warned that it may leave several EU cities because of new legislation that would categorize Uber drivers as employees, not contracted workers.?
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Tags: #uber #ridesharing #eu #workerclassification #lyft?
Levi Strauss facing new forced labour allegations?
The corporate ethics watchdog in Canada is investigating allegations against Levi Strauss Canada that they are working with companies in China that employ forced labor.
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Tags: #levistrauss #levis #uyghurs #xinjiang #forcedlabor #canada
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