Adhesive label is the method of compliance
The requirements of the label itself, different products of different businesses on the self-adhesive label itself is a different requirement, and some requirements for a long time, some requirements may be temporary, so you need to self-adhesive label itself Requirements and decisions. Label as the "main force", the application of self-adhesive labels and market growth has maintained an alarming momentum, the average annual growth rate of more than 30%. In improving the grade of packaging of goods, end-users also exist on the adhesive label labeling failure of some complaints, mainly concentrated in the following areas: label foaming, label edge Qiao, label non-stick, label labeling failure , The author in this paper will be the cause of such failures and analysis and propose solutions to recommendations.
In the market, stickers are currently sold in rolls, and printed with sheetfed offset presses. If the printing plant to change their own, time-consuming and laborious, in this regard need to help adhesive material suppliers to help. In addition, just cut the finished sticky paper was curled, need to be flattened, after a long time flattened in the printing before the need for paper processing. Stickers labels and stickers product design and printing, the main printing security labels, bar code labels, electronic product labels, transparent pvc stickers labels, dumb silver labels, health care products such as labels.