Adelaide Connected 7.0 - what a night

Adelaide Connected 7.0 - what a night

What a night at Adelaide Connected 7.0. It was a sell-out at 340 and had a great mix of:

  • networking
  • inspiration from our speakers?
  • new connections & friends
  • door prizes
  • A copy of Michael Bunting's book Vertical Growth

This mix of ingredients blended into a beautiful spring cocktail last night. Could you feel the energy in the room from our keynote speakers & panellists? Were you inspired? Here are a few takeaways:

  • Michael Bunting shared the impact of green zone and red zone behaviours, and how curiosity and accountability leads to growth, but not without tolerating the pain.
  • Michelle T Holland talked about deliberate design of transformation through align, design and sign, plus how we need a sticky platform, not a burning platform.
  • Adam Thompson is a straight talker that makes a lot of sense, like 'run your show, figure out what needs to be done, align your people, and get it done'.

A big thank you to our Sponsors. We couldn't do it without your support.?

Great work by our amazing MC Sanja Hendrick.

ChangeConnect are proud to work alongside many other professional associations to bring you this year's 7th edition of Adelaide Connected.

What were your takeaways from Adelaide Connected 7.0?



