Addressing the Pace Problem: Navigating Slow Processing Speeds in Microsoft 365 Cloud
Lewin Wanzer
Dynamic CEO & Digital Transformation Expert | Passionate Musician, Author, and Advocate for Artists | Speaker
In the race towards digital transformation, Microsoft 365 has emerged as a front-runner, offering a suite of cloud-based services that promise to revolutionize the way we handle data. However, there’s a bottleneck that’s tempering the enthusiasm of many businesses: the sluggish processing speed associated with Azure Information Protection or Microsoft Purview labeling.
The 48-hour wait for labels to return is more than an inconvenience; it’s a critical lapse in the document lifecycle that can have far-reaching consequences. In the realm of legal holds and sensitivity labeling, timing is everything. Each minute of delay is a window of risk where documents might escape the necessary safeguards, leading to potential compliance violations and data breaches.
This lag in processing could mean that sensitive documents remain unprotected and misclassified while the gears of the cloud slowly turn. Furthermore, the slow speed of labeling could allow for documents to be moved, altered, or even deleted before they are secured, creating opportunities for data leakage and unauthorized access.
This state of affairs begs the question: are we compromising on agility and responsiveness for the sake of cloud adoption? The promise of the cloud is predicated on its ability to offer not just scalable and flexible storage solutions, but also timely and efficient data management. Yet, the current pace at which labeling processes are executed seems to be at odds with this promise.
The cost implications are non-trivial as well. Businesses invest in cloud solutions like Microsoft 365 for their purported efficiency and cost-effectiveness. But when the processes run slower than expected, it leads to doubts about the return on investment and whether the cloud can truly deliver on its efficiency claims.
As we stand, this is the norm in cloud environments – a new status quo that businesses are reluctantly accepting. But should we settle for less when the stakes are so high? It's a pivotal moment for cloud service providers and businesses alike to reassess and realign their expectations and capabilities.
It's imperative that we push for improvements and optimizations in cloud processing speeds. We must advocate for a cloud that is not only powerful and expansive but also swift and agile – a cloud that upholds the pace of business, not hinders it.
As we continue to navigate these challenges, it's crucial for businesses to stay vigilant, understand the limitations of current cloud technologies, and develop strategies to mitigate risks associated with delayed processing. The journey to an efficient cloud environment is ongoing, and it's one that requires both providers and users to move in lockstep towards a more responsive and secure digital future.