- Overcrowding or Overpopulation
- Job quality and employment
- Affordable housing
- Slums and tent cities
- Waste Management
- Water conservation and management
- Healthcare
- Education
- Adoption ESG including biodiversity plans to protect sensitive environmental areas from development.
- Transportation
- Public safety
- Working poor and poverty rates
- Health and Wellness including foods costs
- Energy management
- Crumbling infrastructure
As CPA (Chartered Professional Accountant and Customer Success Manager, I am always about success for rural areas of any countries. Here are what I think needs to happen as part of supporting sustainable growth for rural areas across the world.
- Ensuring access to water through proper water management practices. All rural municipalities need to embrace conservation, recycling, and other water practices as part managing their water supply. This is a fantastic for rural communities to partner with other rural communities on a water management strategy including how best to leverage data and AI WINT - Water Intelligence (Here is my blog on Arizona and their water challenges - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/what-arizona-other-drought-ridden-states-can-learn-from-paul-young
- Building affordable housing in a sustainable way. This means that all levels of government need to look at many policy changes like zoning, building code, biodiversity, construction costs, greening of building, 3D/Modular housing, etc. (This ties nicely to my work on modular housing - https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/paul-young-055632b_for-many-years-i-have-discussed-the-issues-activity-7108031552982319104-nKy0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
- Economic development is also key part of addressing aging communities that tend to be a larger base in rural areas. I am believer that economic development investments should be pushed out to rural areas as part of managing the overall costs like distribution, building construction, labour costs, etc. Here are a few good examples - https://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/recreation-economy-rural-communities. I would also add that all levels of government need to have balanced approach to economic policies - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/canada-and-the-world-gdp-analysis-august-2023pptx . I have discussed many policies with my work on GDP - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/canada-and-the-world-gdp-analysis-august-2023pptx
- Establishing policies that mitigate climate change. Targeting key investments from both the private and public sector that will help mitigate the impact of climate change. Here is my lessons to be learned from the Lahaina Fire - https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/paul-young-055632b_older-homes-contributed-to-hawaii-fires-activity-7105933295854522369-kB22?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
- Affordable electricity will required working with all levels of government along with the Utility sector. Power costs and building resiliency is the key to establishing sustainable power - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/tripling-virtual-power-plant-capacity-2030-could-save-paul-young
- Large urban governments have cash flow, capital planning, program spending delivery concerns and taxation concerns. This is perfect time to review the integrated planning and reporting cycle including how data and AI can be leverage to drive better business outcomes. https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/how-to-improve-the-governance-model-for-the-public-sector-governmentpptx
- Addressing issues with healthcare including managing patient outcomes is also a concern for rural communities - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/how-to-fix-the-healthcare-delivery-model-around-the-globepptx
- Lahaina fires along with other climate change have taught all levels of government that there needs to be better coordination and planning when it comes to emergency, risk, and crisis management - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/why-both-the-private-and-public-sectors-need-mandatory-audits-of-crisis-and-risk-management-reports
- Addressing crumbling infrastructure including short-term and long-term capital planning including monitoring the health of infrastructure assets - https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/paul-young-055632b_federal-infrastructure-investments-buoy-engineering-activity-7099060968088883200-8iET?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
- There has been struggles with re-zoning of property including the cost to convert property to residential property - https://www.bizjournals.com/sacramento/news/2023/09/15/nber-office-residential-conversion.html
- Adopting education for jobs of today and tomorrow. This is perfect time to revisit coop programs as well as after school work programs for young students to help support the local economy - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/ontario-education-costing-and-delivery-model-needs-to-changeor https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/educaton-policies-performance-value-for-money-and-education-outcomes-ontarioor https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/education-ontario-broken-model-2022-electiondocx(
- Transportation is all important area. More thoughts needs to go into transit planning including how best to deploy capital and operational planning as part of their overall transit optimization of routes. https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/jacobs-subsidiary-tomtom-partner-transportation-data-paul-young
- Addressing concerns with public safety including the rising cost of paramedics, firefighting, and policing - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/heavy-cost-of-firefighting-canada or https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/better-public-safety-management-using-analytics-september-2023pptx. I can add that population across many urban areas have grown faster than the public safety model - https://www.ubcm.ca/about-ubcm/latest-news/rcmp-retroactive-costs-small-communities or https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-police-community-consultation-report-1.6947836 or https://www.sherwoodparknews.com/news/local-news/fire-services-pressured-by-local-growth-24-firefighters-needed-in-short-term or https://windsor.ctvnews.ca/essex-windsor-ems-to-hire-part-time-staff-to-help-paramedics-at-hospital-ers-1.6552033
- Embracing innovation when it comes to waste management and recycling - This blog is on the United States, but similar issues exist in countries like Canada and Australia - Blog – Sector – Environmental – Waste and Grants – USA EPA - https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/paul-young-055632b_epa-announces-recipients-of-105m-in-grants-activity-7107747629752598530-UIf0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
- Local government will face with cost pressure to adopt ESG policies. Addressing data challenges through leverage of data and AI can help drive better business outcomes. Here are key links:
Large and medium urban areas have many challenges that need to address through multiple policy changes including coordination between all levels of government and the private sector.
Here are links that can assist with your data and AI journey as part of your planning, forecasting, budgeting, capital planning, cash flow forecasting, analysis, activity-base costing, demand planning, capacity planning, HR planning, and reporting cycles (operational, management, and regulatory):
#profitability #sales #margins #inventory #cashflow #EBITDA #EBIT #production #integration #integratedplanningandreporting #SDG #Metrics #Scope1 #Scope2 #scope3 #operational #management #regulatory
#profitability #sales #margins #inventory #cashflow #EBITDA #EBIT #production #integration #integratedplanningandreporting