Addressing climate change through marine protection
Protecting nature is crucial for the future of all of us - and now finally also a global community goal!
Healthy ecosystems store enormous amounts of CO?e emissions and thus contribute significantly to mitigating the consequences of climate change. Only if we protect them and thus preserve biodiversity can we also achieve success in climate protection. Just this week, a global nature conservation agreement was adopted at the 15th World Conference on Nature. Even though it still has many gaps, it is a great and trend-setting success for the conservation and sustainable use of nature. What exactly was decided in the agreement can be read here.
The protection of the oceans plays a unique role. Oceans are the greatest hope for stabilising the climate system. They store heat, control the weather and are the most important greenhouse gas sinks on Earth. At the same time, they are victims of global warming and their ecosystem services are under significant threat. But there are already developments today that give hope.
Let's dive into the news for this week and as a special, we have included a last-minute Christmas present inspiration! ??
Unique ecosystem discovered off the Maldives
The Maldives are already known for their magnificent flora and fauna. Additionally, scientists have discovered a new underwater world in the Indian Ocean at a depth of 500 metres, the so-called "trapping zone". This new ecosystem is home to various shark species, schools of tuna and the rare deep-sea fish northern blenny. Read more about the new ecosystem here
Corals are vital for underwater habitats. They are home to enormous biodiversity, bind CO?, provide economic security, protect coastal cities as breakwaters and could probably even cure diseases in the future!
However, they are in danger and have already been severely damaged by mass bleaching in recent years. Global warming, which has risen by an average of 1 to 2 °C in recent decades, is considered the main cause.
The Reef Restoration Foundation in Australia is therefore breeding new corals from fragments that survived the mass bleaching to replace dead corals of the Great Barrier Reef. The first corals planted at the nursery have already been brought to the Great Barrier Reef and have now spawned for the first time - a milestone! Read more here
???Earthly Delights
Reforestation of marine forests
Seaweed - a consumer product in cosmetics, biofuels and fertilisers, but also a CO?-binder and home to many marine creatures. Forests are not only affected by climate change on land; they are particularly threatened underwater. The mass of underwater forests worldwide has almost halved in the last 50 years. In some parts of the world, their population has declined by 95% due to ocean warming. The Portuguese NGO SeaForester wants to draw more attention to marine forests and is trying to bring back underwater vegetation that has already disappeared with innovative ideas. Read more here
???Number of the week
27,000 humpback whales! That's how many have been counted in the Canadian Atlantic alone. A value that was last reached before the era of commercial whale hunting. The reasons for the recovery of the stocks are not only the whaling ban since 1967 but also the tightened control of whale tourism in Canada. You are not allowed to feed the animals, or touch or swim with them. The whale population is considered a barometer of the oceans. But not every whale population is on the upswing like the humpback whales. Many species are in a species-threatening crisis, partially due to climate change. Read more here
???Challenge of the week
Whether a small kid or a grown man, we all love them! Fish fingers! But fishing is repeatedly criticised for overfishing and unwanted bycatch. The fish stocks of many marine fish have shrunk alarmingly. Even aquafarming, which at first glance seems like a better alternative, is destroying the local environment. Now is finally the time to find an alternative.
Check out your supermarket for vegan fish fingers, these are usually made from cereal ingredients. Give it a try!
Share your cooking and shopping success to inspire your friends! Simply take a shot of your vegan fish fingers, share it on Instagram and tag ??
Last Minute Christmas present ??
Coral Guardian
Coral Guardian is an ocean protection organisation dedicated to protecting coral ecosystems in the South Pacific in Indonesia since 2012 and the Mediterranean in Spain since 2020. The association uses an approach of conservation, awareness programmes and science, and is particularly characterised by concrete actions for reef restoration involving the local population. The "Adopt a Coral" programme, among others, makes the work of the association possible. By adopting a coral, everyone can contribute to protecting the oceans - a great Christmas present for your loved ones!
This is the last #klimagoodnews for 2022! We wish you all a joyful Christmas time and Guten Rutsch for the new year ??