Addressing the challenges of climate change through improved animal health.
Animal Medicines Australia
Animal Medicines Australia is the peak industry body representing the leading animal health companies in Australia.
Improving animal health offers a cost-effective and sustainable opportunity for livestock industries to reduce emissions and manage climate risks.?In addition to the significant productivity and sustainability benefits, healthy animals produce less emissions of key climate gases, including carbon dioxide and methane.?Improved animal health associated with disease prevention and treatment can reduce mortality rates, and associated emissions.
In the next 30 years, the global population is expected to increase from 7.7 billion to 9.7 billion in 2050. Improving animal health and husbandry practices could reduce emissions by 18 to 30 per cent. This would enable livestock producers to increase production to meet the needs of an additional 1.9 billion people without increasing current emissions.*
Federal and State governments should recognise and incorporate animal health improvements made by livestock industries within climate change policy frameworks and emissions auditing systems. Incorporating animal health benefits will avoid market distortions in investments that may result in negative animal health and welfare outcomes.
Sustainability frameworks developed by livestock industries should include climate emission reductions achieved through the adoption of better animal health practices and technologies.
Regulatory frameworks for animal health products should be streamlined to accommodate legitimate, science- and evidence-based climate product claims. These should be regulated consistently with other frameworks dedicated to environmental sustainability product claim and comply with Australian Consumer Law (e.g. misleading or deceptive conduct provisions). While this would not be regulated by the APVMA (no animal health claim), the APVMA must recognise these label statements and the authority of any regulatory or stewardship program that oversees their implementation.
A One Health response is required to monitor and predict both direct and indirect biosecurity and disease preparedness risks associated with climate change. Animal health industries need to be included in all aspects of policy formulation, planning and implementation related to biosecurity and disease preparedness.
Improving animal health is the foundation for more sustainable food systems. Australian farmers and veterinarians are already charting the course towards greater sustainability but need more support.
Developing policies, partnerships and technologies that improve animal health will contribute to improved sustainability outcomes for Australia’s livestock sectors. Increasing the availability of veterinary services and supporting farmers to adopt best practices can allow livestock producers to meet the nutritional needs of a growing population while reducing our environmental footprint
Further information on Animal Medicines Australia's policy can be found at: The role of animal health in addressing the challenges associated with climate change.
#AnimalHealth #OneHealth #Livestock #ClimateChange #Emissions