Adding wind to the wings
Business spectators often view the innovative landscape of Silicon Valley start-ups in perfect isolation. Nevertheless, a plethora of environmental influences also been working untiringly in the background. Be it the ready presence and backing of venture capitalists or the easy accessibility of a talent pool through propinquity to world-class educational establishments. Even the historically reputable entrepreneurial cultural cues of California add wind to the wings of every new company starting out. Merely by setting up shop there, one participates in the diverse league.
Star might not have shone as radiantly had chance taken them in a different place. Around every mega brand, there is always an exceedingly conducive ecosystem. Many at times it gets unheeded, but to the discerning Angel Investor, it is imperative to consciously nurture such an environment. Numbers offer perceptible means of support in an ever confusing, hastily changing world. And for the peer group growing up on grade point arithmetic mean and cholesterol notches, setting quantifiable benchmarks to monitor the progress of a startup is not just second nature, it also ensures that the game is progressing on track.
Dr Roy Kshemendra