Adding SketchUp Models to ArcGIS Urban

Adding SketchUp Models to ArcGIS Urban

With the fourth technological wave incoming, more and more construction firms and government authorities are switching to 3D visualization of building projects before they accept the proposal. The requirement of truly look at a scene of how the project will look like – not just imagine in via abstract drawings – is becoming the standard. Using ArcGIS Urban, you can let your client or boss look at how the project will look in real life setting, but to do that, you will need to know how to use your CAD models in ArcGIS Urban.

In this guide, we will discuss how to import and utilize a SketchUp model in ArcGIS Urban. We will explore the steps to export the SketchUp model to the right format, importing it into ArcGIS Pro, upload it to ArcGIS Online, and finally publishing it on ArcGIS Urban. Let’s go!

Export the SketchUp Model

  • Open your building model in SketchUp.
  • Select the entire model. You can use drag selection or “ select all ” option from menu. There is also the Ctrl+A shortcut.
  • Right-click the selected model. Select “ Make Component ”.
  • The component creation box appears. You can put a name and other properties here.
  • Uncheck “ replace section ” box, and click “ create ”.
  • Now go to the Export menu (in File menu) and then choose to export as COLLADA (.dae) file.


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