Adding Power to Your Words

Adding Power to Your Words

Language is something we tend to take for granted. We use it automatically and usually without weighing our words in advance or thinking too much about the consequences of what we say. For example, do you ever say ‘Yes’ when you really mean to say ‘No’? Do you sometimes make promises that you know you can’t keep? Do you ever agree with someone when, deep down, you hold a different set of views? It’s a surprisingly common trait within our culture, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a healthy or beneficial quality to adopt. On the contrary, it’s one of the unnoticed ways in which we diminish our personal power and erode our influence.

Keep every promise you make - and only make promises you can keep.

-?????? Anthony Hitt

The questions have a purpose. They’re intended to highlight the way we often dilute the power of our word and turn a potent instrument of personal power into a channel of weakness and deception. Does that sound overly dramatic to you? It’s an area that really deserves our fullest attention because it’s too easy to lose sight of the power of the words we use. We become so accustomed to the webs of deceit spun by political figures, social media personalities and the ubiquitous clan of ‘celebrities’ that we begin to accept the daily round of deception as normal. But it most certainly isn’t a healthy, supportive or empowering way of communicating.

The connection between your personal power, your will and the way you express yourself is easily overlooked. Yet, if you’ve ever met someone whose word was absolutely trustworthy, reliable and clear, you’ll have noticed how much presence they exerted on their surroundings. We must never underestimate the power of investing our words with sufficient magnitude to make them sound like a Law of the Universe. When you imbue your speech with power, you extend that power into every dimension of your existence.

Magic trick: to make people disappear - ask them to fulfill their promises.

-?????? Mason Cooley

It might seem obvious, but most of us could benefit from clearing up some of the confusion we sow when we send out conflicting messages. It’s time that our thoughts and feelings were brought into line with the words that escape our lips. We’re experiencing challenging times and this is the perfect moment to add clarity and power to all our communication.

There is something extraordinarily powerful in a clear and unambiguous statement of intent. And this is one of the great advantages of developing your word as a source of unstoppable focus. When you make a declaration that you will do something, the intention has to be so strong and irresistible, that you generate a profound sense of absolute certainty in your ability to achieve whatever you set out to accomplish. Just by declaring your intent. Does that sound unrealistic to you? It might. Because we rarely encourage people who express this kind of personal power and accountability. It’s a game changer. It’s extraordinarily profound and the benefits are far reaching. Of course, it’s equally possible to say ‘No’ and use the same kind of power and clarity to ensure that you don’t do something that strikes you as unnecessary or inappropriate. Whatever you say, the most important step is to imbue your words with clarity, power and intent.

So, how do you develop this kind of personal power?

Start at the beginning. Begin with something easy. Like most human attributes, the will and the power of the word need to be trained and both benefit from regular practice. Make a very simple declaration. Then do it. Your mission is to connect your statement with an immediate response. You make your simple declaration and then you take action. Gradually, your mind will begin to associate the statement with the inevitability of whatever action follows. This force accumulates until the statement becomes the action. And that’s when your personal power begins to advance into new and often unexpected realms of influence.

In ancient times, these methods were taught to selected children in order to enhance their power to learn, digest and recall quite extraordinary amounts of material. Today, we recognise the advantages of enhancing personal levels of empowerment across all aspects of our lives. There is an intriguing degree of personal freedom waiting to be discovered in the empowerment of your word. Make today the perfect moment in which the power of your word makes a powerful difference to your life. And to the lives of those around you.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep,

and miles to go before I sleep.

-?????? Robert Frost

If you enjoy these blogs, you can imagine how much fun it is to have Greg in the room as an inspirational and highly perceptive speaker. If you’d like to invite Greg to talk to your company or organisation or event, either in person or via a live link on the Internet, feel free to get in touch.

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