Adding Insult onto Injury
Adding Insult onto Injury
It’s terrible when a former spouse or partner abducts or even, alienates a child from a normally loving parent, but when the system allows it to continue, this is nothing more than a travesty of justice. It denies a familial relationship that is inherently important to the well-being of all involved.
Just, as it is within the criminal courts and evidence must be considered and false testimony is introduced, the same thing must be recognized in the family courts. If you lie, perjury charges must be forthwith and dealt with appropriately. The same thing when, introducing false evidence, Judges must declare this as something as invalid and dismiss.
Unfortunately, different rules apply to both courts. In criminal matters, we have a certain level of justice, but in family courts there is something called the “Silver Bullet“. This means, the person who lies first, are believed in what they say and judges tend to accept their words. When this happens, an innocent person is subjected to the whims of a singular and occasional bias of the person in charge.
I believe we must have the option of a jury trial when deciding the fate of who is able to safeguard our children. After all, it is their future that is most important. When we allow someone who is incapable or unable to rule in the Best interest of our children, we are denying justice for our children.
It’s been often said that, a bad judge is nothing more than the bi-product of a terrible attorney who was later granted the opportunity to continue their terrible actions through a new level of power. We must recognize that our judicial system in the family courts has to be overhauled and instate individuals who will take great care to protect our children.
This means, that in order to be considered for an appointment to the judicial level necessary, all applicants need to be vetted, screened and educated in all manners of family conflicts. When involved in toxic situations and one party is not willing to cooperate with the other parent, solutions must be made mandatory. Until then, there will be inequality in the rulings of parental responsibilities.
When this occurs, children will suffer the most and then, followed by the parent who wants nothing more than to be a dad or mom who helped bring them into the world. Most times, hearts will be broken. Emotions will run rampant and the war that we did not choose will certainly rule our lives.
I wonder, how long we must continue to run the gambit of this world of parental alienation. Will it last months, years or even, a lifetime? No matter, the timeframe, we are all made to endure what is placed in front of us. For the lucky few, they will triumph in a short amount of time, but many will suffer for great lengths and never recover from their heartache.
This need not be the case if, our family court system and legislators would simply recognize the harm they cause to innocent parents and our children. They have the power to implement laws that will protect us. Judges need to rule without bias or heavy handedness and not accept false testimony without the burden of proof.
For now, we, the alienated and left behind parents as well as, our children must deal with the aftermath of what our alienator and enablers’ subject us to and that is, emotional torture. Family courts must do more to protect us. When they fail to do so, they are Adding Insult onto Injury and that is unacceptable.
By David Shubert