Adding Empowering Resources
Grant Herbert
Empowering today's great professional services technicians to become exceptional leaders | Executive Coach | Team Coach | Leadership Trainer and Mentor | Inspirational Keynote Speaker | Mental Health Advocate
We'd gone through a journey together, and I just want to really thank you for being there every week for subscribing, for letting other people know about it, for the feedback that you continually give me, and for implementing the strategies that I am blessed to be able to share. And as we came into December last year, we started a conversation around what we could do differently to get the results that we needed in 2021. I don't know about you, but there's been many, many years where my results just didn't change from year to year. Even though we marked the milestone of the 31st of December each year, nothing really changes if nothing really changes. Putting together this roadmap is your opportunity to make sure that you get a headstart on where it is that you want to end up on the 31st of December 2021.
We talked about the roadblocks, the things that get in your way, the things that are already stopping you from getting the results, the things that have already stopped you from getting where you could be right now. And we identified what they were and they were in the area of mindset that were in the area of behaviours in things that we were doing that we could stop doing and things that we weren't doing that we could start doing. So then, and what we wanted to do, and what we're going to do today is look at, "Okay, well, what are the resources that I need to add?" Internal resources, things about me. 2021, the result that you want is all about, "Who do I need to become so that I get there?", not just, "What do I need to do or not do?" We talked about the resources that we need to add are to overcome the roadblocks, to overcome those things that are holding you back.
What I want to do is just get you ready to get into 2021, to get a headstart on everybody else. It's the first week of January right now and gymnasiums everywhere are full. And people who are regular people going to the gym are finding it challenging to get on a machine. Next week and the week after, things will change, because most people don't do what they need to do to become who they need to be so that they can continue the new year's resolution, the goals, aspirations that they have, and the motivation dies because they don't see any results, but that's not going to be you. By the way, had a little bit of an accident. Got a bandaid on my finger. Isn't it cute? It's blue, but anyway, hopefully that's not distracting you from where we're going. So, let me take you through now three areas where you can add resources so that you can overcome these roadblocks, finally get rid of them, make the changes that you want to make, and become who it is that you want to become so that on the 31st of December 2021, you do a forward-focused reflection and you tick off all those things that you said you were going to achieve.
Grant Herbert describes himself as an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and 5 amazing kids, who has a passion to help people escape the performance trap and regain their authenticity in every area of life. He is an international influencer, sustainable performance coach, the founder of People Builders and the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence Asia Pacific. Visit to find out how you can connect.