Keith Carlock的更多文章
1-2-3-4-5-6 Are The Basic Primary Numbers Around A Ghost Number Cube: All Inner/Outer Ghost Numbers Numerologically = 92021年8月20日
1-2-3-4-5-6 Are The Basic Primary Numbers Around A Ghost Number Cube: All Inner/Outer Ghost Numbers Numerologically = 9
1-2-3-4-5-6 Primary Numbers Addition and Multiplication Ghost Number Cubes 1-2-3-4-5-6 seems like the most likely to be…
Illusions of Invisibility and Intangibility2021年8月19日
Illusions of Invisibility and Intangibility
A neutron star can't even overcome the Pauli exclusion principle. It is a fundamental limit in quantum mechanics to…
Invisibility and Intangibility: Ideas Toward a Solution to The Ghost-Interfacing Paradox2021年8月15日
Invisibility and Intangibility: Ideas Toward a Solution to The Ghost-Interfacing Paradox
What is real? Manufactured invisibility and intangibility. Are they merely illusions? I believe that if illusions stand…
Any Set of The Six Primary Numbers That Produce The Same Central and Outer Ghost Numbers of a Ghost Number Cube Are Equivalent2021年8月13日
Any Set of The Six Primary Numbers That Produce The Same Central and Outer Ghost Numbers of a Ghost Number Cube Are Equivalent
(Note: This is a sudden new insight to me that I will study to see where it may lead. I believe I'm discovering some…
The Basic Construction of Addition and Multiplication Ghost Number Cubes2021年8月13日
The Basic Construction of Addition and Multiplication Ghost Number Cubes
Addition Ghost Number Cube You start out with what I call the six primary numbers that encircle the inner cube at all…
Ghost Number Orbital Clouds and a Compactified 9th "Octrant" in a 3-Plane/8-Octrant Coordinate System2021年8月12日
Ghost Number Orbital Clouds and a Compactified 9th "Octrant" in a 3-Plane/8-Octrant Coordinate System
(Note: When I refer to an "octrant", I mean about the same thing as a quadrant in a flat 2-D coordinate system, but an…
Invisibility, Holodecks (backdrop) and Holograms (apparent solid bodies): The Three Main Low & High-Tech (maybe Cosmic) Components of Visual Realities2021年8月10日
Invisibility, Holodecks (backdrop) and Holograms (apparent solid bodies): The Three Main Low & High-Tech (maybe Cosmic) Components of Visual Realities
As far as explanations go, this is meant purely as a mostly pictorial presentation of the all-important geometries and…
An Idea to Project Pictures Onto My Photographic APRO (Artificial Parallel Reality Orb) Model and An Idea of What The Corner-Angles Will Look Like2021年8月10日
An Idea to Project Pictures Onto My Photographic APRO (Artificial Parallel Reality Orb) Model and An Idea of What The Corner-Angles Will Look Like
I recently purchased a hand-held portable photo projector from a friend and it came to me, almost instantly, what use I…
Graveyard in a Box: Another Use for The Photographic APRO (Artificial Parallel Reality Orb)-Distance Mourning/Remembrance2021年8月7日
Graveyard in a Box: Another Use for The Photographic APRO (Artificial Parallel Reality Orb)-Distance Mourning/Remembrance
Walking Thru Graveyards by Keith Jason Carlock You danced, you sang, you sat upon the earth. Your life was magic, and…
Dual-Corresponding "Hyper-Topological" Intersections Between Non-Local Visual Realities2021年8月6日
Dual-Corresponding "Hyper-Topological" Intersections Between Non-Local Visual Realities
I had a dream last night, of an awesome new LinkedIn article to write, and this is it: Dual-Corresponding…
VideographyHow do you reduce light with ND filters?
PhotographyWhat are the best settings for burst mode on your camera?
Video ProductionWhat are some tips for creating smooth camera movements?
Film ProductionYou're shooting a film in low light conditions. How can you capture the perfect shot?
Media ProductionWhat do you do if your camera stabilizer is not right for the type of shot you're filming?
VideographyHow can you choose between manual mode and auto mode?
Shooting VideoWhat are the best ND filters to reduce motion blur in bright light?
Media ProductionHow can you stabilize your camera movements in film?
Field ProductionHow do you prevent camera shake in field production?
VideographyHow does lens distortion affect the composition and framing of your video shots?
Two top zoom lenses for the RED Komodo digital cinema camera
Martin Lisius 2 年 -
Sony A6700 APS-C Interchangeable Lens Camera
Saffah Saif 7 个月 -
Uzair Zaveri 1 年 -
A step into the surreal HDR-space.
Lucien Engelen 9 年 -
Turn Off Always-On
Milo Cumpstey 11 个月 -
Mimodactylus Libanensis Hologram
Pascal Gauchet 1 个月 -
My Mock-Up Dual-Adaptive Camouflage Invisibility Suit and 26-Viewing Angle Photographic APRO Desktop Model Projects
Keith Carlock 3 年 -
Photographic APRO ( Artificial Parallel Reality Orb) Desktop Model: Low-Tech Invisibility/Holodeck Proof of Concepts [ waiting on stimulus ?? ]
Keith Carlock 3 年 -
Action Camera with Removable Filter Lens 4K 60FPS 20MP 2.0-inch LCD
Home Products 2 年 -
Project: DeepCore
Elvinas Mikulin 1 年