Adding Articles in AR5
To add an article to a journal, start by navigating to content > articles from the AR5 primary nav. On the articles page, open the filter panel by clicking the white disclosure arrow on the blue filter bar. You'll see a list of available journals. Select one or more journals to see articles in the table below. In the table, articles that are published will appear in blue, and unpublished articles will appear in grey. You can also select "unassigned" in the filter panel to see articles that aren't assigned to any journal.
AR5 automatically generates an article summary for each article which is used in journal blocks such as the journal archive. Only one section is used for the summary of a given article: the first eligible section on the page beginning from top to bottom (the order of the columns is as follows: top, left, center, right, bottom). The options panel of a section on an article page contains a "summary" field that determines whether the section is eligible for use as the article summary, as well as whether the section appears on the article page itself. By default, only sections in the center column are eligible for use as the article summary.
Learn more about Article Summaries and Article Options.