An Addict's Mother...

An Addict's Mother...

Do you have challenges as a parent?

Has addiction been part of your family experience?

Can you think of someone who is struggling with this issue?

I have several professional degrees and certifications and I have helped hundreds of individuals and couples to communicate with compassion,?but I have always considered my most important job is being a mother and grandmother.

My precious children and grandchildren have been my best mentors - inviting me to be more present and calm and to "go with the flow."

Journalling my life’s experiences is how I have processed many of my feelings and lessons learned. I have shared those entries with a few loved ones or in some private groups on Facebook.

I am honored to have been asked by my dear friend to be her guest tomorrow on her?Amazing Parents Network at 10:00 am Central ?to talk about parenting in all its forms. Please Join me with Host, Life and Spiritual Parenting Coach, Marcy Neumann RN, Rev, CHT, RMT on her new show,

Parenting In An Upside Down World Future- Proofing Childhood: Education, Health and Safety In The Modern World!

I will be sharing my very personal story of loving and parenting an addict.

My beloved daughter Dana helped me learn many lessons which I now offer others to feel more supported in their journeys.

I have a couple books in progress, and I feel it’s time to share those too.

  • An Addict’s Mother: Loving Your Child?and Your SELF
  • Grief and Gratitude, Remembering Dana.

We’ll be LIVE tomorrow, Feb. 28th, and dive deep into what it takes to nurture happy and healthy children in this "Upside Down World!"

Here’s your link to join us !

Sending love,



