I would have spent hours, weeks, months, years sharing the truth with you, yet,
you continue to live in an intoxicating lie;
a lie created out of habitual repetition easily established as a means of escape you no longer seek an exit from;
having the knowledge to understand the chaos you’ve created wouldn’t even assist you to recover from your rapid self-destruction and...
as you fault others for your demise there is no clarity to recognizing the loss felt by those who have watched you unravel into a state of complete intoxication.
You’ve created a life in which you are no longer living but rather are being led, a slave to an addiction, a slave to continual self-destruction...
I held my hands out to you in love, in complete desperation, time and time again, seeking to pull you out of your fiery hell - with light, gentleness, hope for who I know you to be in your sweet sobriety...
but I am only human, and my capabilities are no match for the inferno residing in your mind and in your precious soul.
I miss you, you and all of your internal truth, I call out to your beautiful soul in my prayers as it drowns in poison…extinguishing your light...
and as I write this, with love, in loss, I only pray God hears my plea to release you...
I failed myself when I have failed you.
I have failed myself as I have failed you. ?
Written by
Michele Saldana
(July 2020: for who I knew to be my best friend...and, to all others in the World who have succumbed to #Addiction ---> I shall always have Hope) ?
#Addiction #Awareness #JustKNOW