This Addiction may be Costing You Millions
Let’s be brutally honest.?When you sell…:
If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, you may be a Convince-aholic?
Like all addicts, the CONVINCE-AHOLICS EXHIBIT SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR that temporarily fills a void created by unmet needs while creating poor results.
Similar to other types of addicts, Convince-aholics are constantly bombarded with temptation, making their addiction challenging to overcome.
Most existing sales literature, on-boarding sessions, and training programs exacerbate the Addiction by presenting clever techniques or scripts and encouraging salespeople to use manipulative “leading” questions, tie-downs, and use slight-of-hand.??Each of these convincing techniques actually diminishes a salesperson’s ability to differentiate themselves, to facilitate discovery, to develop trust, to learn the truth, and to add value -- the essential core competencies of the world’s most successful salespeople.
Despite the fact that Convince-aholics consistently lose sales and struggle to maintain margins, their behavior provides a dopamine rush.??This rush makes them FEEL like they are gaining.?If they didn’t, they would likely stop their destructive, ineffective behavior and replace convincing with a consultative discovery process leading to consistent success.
Some characteristics that come out of Recovery Literature follow.?Please consider the parallels:
The Addictive Experience
At a foundational level, success in selling is based upon mindset and beliefs.??The Convince-aholic mindset dramatically diminishes selling effectiveness, the quality of relationships, trustworthiness, and income.???
The great news is that any Convince-aholic can overcome their addiction using a time-tested recovery program.
If you believe you may be afflicted (or know someone who is), would like to assess the severity of your addiction, and would like to understand the process to get clean, feel free to email me and write “I May Be Addicted” in the subject line.
Wishing you nothing but success in 2022 and beyond.
To Your Freedom…
Copyright ??Joe Zente?2021.??All Rights Reserved.