Pain is my middle name,
My surname is still pain,
I have known pain since this world I came,
The days I have smiled the graph is plain,
The days I have cried take fame.
Trust me when I say pain is my best friend,
A friend I know better than any other,
A friend I don't love,
But a friend whose company I can't avoid.
Those I called mine,
Shamelessly caused the most hurt,
Those I termed so close,
Mercilessly broke my trust.
My favourite human being,
Effortlessly has caused more damage,
Then look at my own blood,
With no mercy has made my life bitter.
I know the colour of pain,
I know its smell so well,
I can perceive it from afar,
I have made pain my bossom friend.
I will no longer shed any tear,
Instead, I will be holding meeting with pain,
The two of us will be sitting and talk,
Together we will conquer the world.