Addicted to pain- the body never lies.

Addicted to pain- the body never lies.

Do you listen to the messages, or do you enjoy the benefits of pain unconsciously?

The pain-body speaks, this is NOT about immediate trauma, there is a place for the pain to be managed with pharmaceuticals and immediate ACUTE care, what I am referring to is pain that remains, either in the Heart, Mind and yes the physical container, called the body on a daily basis.

It is everywhere, the seduction of the media, do this and feel that! So many marketers feeding off another’s PAIN. Obesity is the pain in the body crying out to be LOVED and NOURISHED, it screams out NUMBNESS, Stiffness, and lack of flexibility are left over Toxins/ stuff (emotions) and yes some may be what we have been born with… they are all GIFTS to unravel whom we are, what we came here to HEAL, overcome and no matter the adversity, take back our inner POWER.

Pain is a powerful motivator/messenger of TRUTH when channeled into activities of productivity, exploration and inner awareness of self and the deeper messages revealed and then a new way of seeing, then into LIVING and BEING.

There is no quick fix, this takes a high level of discipline, willingness and a fuck load of courage to look at your stuff, life situations/circumstances and to choose to start to reclaim and take back your power that you have been and for many are still unconsciously giving away. We get what we think of most of the time and that which we are thinking mostly about is deep within the subconscious realm, we have no conscious awareness of it.

So, your body is giving it to you, in your FACE. What a gift it is? Yet, most Shame and punish it, the words of self-loathing, disgust and blame on the past, they are TOXIC.

The body speaks, and it doesn’t lie on the metaphysical level, and it is also the storehouse of all the emotional pain, trauma, life events and will hold onto them until they are ready to be released, let go, the lesson learnt, inner wisdom gained and the FREEDOM created from the INSIDE OUT.

Life is a journey, each unique and 2018 is less about the story of whom you think you are, that is your Ego’s attachment, an identity and even though your past experiences have had an influence on your personality over time, it is not who you are and who you were at the age of 5 or 6 years old. That is a close representation to your Soul personality, where they were no limitation, held projections or opinions from others, you felt carefree, happy, limitless and were tuned into your passions/activities that brought you joy.

* Take a moment to think back?

* What did it look like to you, at 5 or 6-years old?

* This is the year for Soul expression.

Yes, stuff and shit happen and then we spend a lifetime releasing and some needs to be released with the support of another, healing hands and an intuitive heart guiding the way. To be guided by another who has been there is still willing to do the inner work and is far from perfect. Who is free of the story and walking the talk within all areas of their life.

This year I put down everything, said farewell to all I have experienced in the past, I let it go and as I continue to place my body into deep stretches, positions to evoke an energetic release, and shift from pain to pleasure… I watch as the Seer, here to understand the intuitive messages, allow the tears to flow with a smile between deep sobbing of the old releasing, as another layer/offering to surrender, so that I can be FREE to continue to expand into new possibilities of BEING. Without bodywork, one can only progress so far…. The feel into or understand the energetic and Emotional body, EVERYONE has to begin at the physical body, at the surface level.

Your depression is not who you are

Your Arthritis is not who you are

Your eating disorder is not who you are

Your Bipolar is not who you are

Your physical Pain is not who you are

Your circumstances are not who you are.

They are ALL an INVITATION to go deeper within, to SELF.

The identity (EGO) will hate this and this is where the meaning, “Die before you die” comes from. To be free of all attachments to whom we think we are and whom we are created as a safety net around a false identity.

The Ego will AVOID what eliminates the pain as to be free of pain, then who are you?

ALL PAIN gives us attention, affection, and acknowledgment from those we love.

To take the pain away, feels like dying as in order to be FREE of it we have to be willing to go into and sit within it, there is no quick fix, no Band-Aid that lasts and no magic pill… the layers are within the Myofascial Matrix of the Body, it is the clever inert-connected, interwoven web that stops you falling into a pile of jelly on the floor. Our breath is the guide to explore these depths and to hold postures that feel a level of discomfort, allow old stuck energy to release and create a new possibility – a new change and restored functionality over time. Then there is the beautiful Psoas, the seat of the Soul- where fear and love is found, this is magical bodywork that I offer, where now the power of REIKI is also being offered as you dive deeper within, each journey unique to the individual as the NS will only release to the level it is READY to.

The words we say and feel towards our body, is 24/7, a reflection in the mirror, the cellulite upon our thighs, a waist that is non-visible all get stuck in the tissues, call it residual tension. The anger towards our bodies, their limitations, and the deep pain left over from unresolved traumas. The body is clever to protect and rebalance and from there dysfunction is created over time and during a session, we also explore the words being used consistently, this you will be unaware of and is one of your blind spots.

As a body therapist, who uses her hands during the sessions, I will work with you to iron out the kinks in the amour, and work alongside you to go deep into the pain… this may also be of your mind, where there is a lack of will and discipline.

To feel like shit and complain, gets more attention, than feeling good!

The Ego will side with pain, more than pleasure and yes, at times it will manipulate situations to feel more pleasure, giving no regard to the other soul, leading to self-serving emptiness, stuck unresolved emotions and possible pain for the other.

The BODY gives messages from the SOUL to heal the unhealed.

The question is… Are you truly creating space to listen and then dive deeper within?

I am here to SERVE you and open the doorway to what you are unable to SEE, FEEL so that you begin to become the Master of your own mind, body, and Soul.

Love & blessings,


Christopher McKay

L6 Advanced operator Tuamarina & Site DWU Delagate,Drivers Rep South Island at Fonterra.

6 年

Hi Zoe, You have some wise words there gal, Very true . theres so much more to pain than actual pain. I hope people read your words& if only 1 person gets it & can feel better ... then that would be just fantastic. Love reading your posts . Best Regards Chris :)


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