Add Value Creatively

Add Value Creatively

Most of the time when we talk to entrepreneurs about adding value, they come up with some discount in price or some way to bundle products to sell more.

How often have you been offered a "free consultation" and you know its just a sales call disingenuously masked as a value add.

There are keys to offering more value to your customers AND just as important, to your prospective customers and even your suppliers.

Here is a list of items you need to be committed to in order to add value effectively and from the heart:

  1. You need to promise NOT to sell me something. Too often the offer of added value is then morphed into a sales pitch for services or something else. It’s ineffective and leaves a terrible taste in anyone's mouth. So don't sell anything! 
  2. Make the value personal whenever you can. Adding value could be some form of thank you or referral gift. You can imagine the impact of a personalized, well thought out gift that is couriered to my office versus a discount on my next order. One works, the other doesn't.
  3. Ensure you really do create value. Your version of adding value is only actually adding value if your clients or the people you meet say, WOW, this was awesome. So often someone says they are providing this as an added value and I secretly think, well great but I don't care. Ensure its valuable by asking for confirmation OR by their obvious reaction.
  4. Your add value might come from someone else. Sometimes what our business colleagues really need isn't from us. Maybe it’s an introduction or a source of a service they can trust. Maybe it’s a new client for them. Leverage your network to make valuable introductions for the experts needed instead of trying to fix it all yourself.
  5. Added Value is powerful when it WOWs. Too often our intentions to add value gets overridden by the practical limits we impose - someone needs your financial analysis but because it might take too long, you just send an email of ideas. Someone desperately needs a good lawyer, but instead of personally sourcing one for them, you recommend LinkedIn. The real power of a good Value Add is your commitment and effort to create the WOW of appreciation.

Be Bold in what you do to offer Added Value. Make it substantial enough that it impacts people even if they don't take you up on your offer. Remember that adding value is simply about that - it is not about expecting reciprocation ten days later.

When anyone is struggling in their market or with their clients, we recommend a dramatic case of Add Value as a first step in the Give More, Get More cycle. 

What are you prepared to do for your clients, prospects and vendors today?

Here's Our Value Add for You

Most entrepreneurs have issues they need input on and ideas for every day. We offer to work through those issues with them to create value and solutions in their business. We know opening up to the issues is scary and requires trust. We also know people don't ask us because they wrongly think we're just going to try and sell something.

We want to solve your biggest business issue. So here is our offer:

We will sit down with you for as long as it takes to define and find solution to your largest business problem.

We promise the following support:

  1. We won't sell you anything or move to push anything
  2. We will introduce you to anyone else we think can be a resource to you
  3. We will define a solution in writing and outline the step by step plan for you
  4. We will provide you with a library of books, podcasts and material that you can use for that issue as well as other key business knowledge

We commit to having you come away from our interaction with new ideas, resources and people to tap. We'll follow-up to ensure the problem is being solved. 

No charge, no obligation. Just our commitment to add value to entrepreneurs and their companies.



