Add Value to Create a Better Life
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
Do you remember the last time someone asked you for help? Why do you think they turned to you? How about the last time you created something new or exciting? Or when you learned a new skill or piece of information?
It's long been understood that when we improve something or help someone, we make a difference. We add value.
Life becomes richer when we think creatively, act selflessly, and support a cause or someone in need.
Values are what matter most to us; they drive our actions and fulfil our core needs. When we add value to something, we feel happier because we’ve used our creativity to make a difference. For example: Remember the last time you completed a task at work and received recognition for it? Or the time you turned leftovers into a new dish?
Adding value helps us recognize our strengths and builds our confidence. When we add value to people, the impact is just as powerful:
Adding value to others brings praise, recognition, and the deep satisfaction of knowing you’ve made a positive impact.
What about personal growth and self-learning? We all want to improve ourselves in areas that interest us. Investing in our own development is a way of adding value to ourselves. Those who understand the importance of self-improvement often admire such efforts.
By creating and adding value to ourselves, the people around us, and the things we interact with, we make the world a better place.
Instead of criticizing or finding faults, let’s focus on adding value—it might be the key to what’s missing in our lives.
Actions we can take: