Add One Word to Change Your Results
If you ever wonder, “Can I do it?”, regardless of what you are trying to do, it’s likely you’ve instinctively had thoughts like, “I don’t have enough time”, or “I don’t have enough energy.”
If you’ve wondered, “Can I get the job?” or “Can I get her to go out with me?” You may have been inclined to consider negative thoughts like, “I don’t have enough experience”, or “I don’t have a college degree.” On a personal level, you may have reluctantly concluded, “I’m too short” or “I don’t have a car” or some other justification to forego the possibility of getting a date.
Unless you are living under a rock, you are aware of the ever-increasing speed and power of computers. Your smart phone today has more access to information than Ronald Reagan had at his disposal when he was President of the United States. That’s right, you have more information at your fingertips than the Pentagon had 32 years ago.
For all the power and speed of computers, there is no faster or more powerful computer than your brain. If you think about every question you ask your brain, it spits out an answer. This is the premise behind “if you want better answers, ask better questions.”
In order for you to ask better questions, to get better answers, to achieve better results, you need to add one word to your questions. This one word will shift your thinking from wondering is something is possible, to discovering ways to make it possible.
This one word will steer you away from instinctive responses (excuses) and negative thoughts (more excuses).
This powerful word is so simple and so quick in shifting your thinking, you’ll be amazed at how fast it can work! Like so many things in life, it is easy to use. What is easy to use is also easy not to use.
It will take practice. The more you use this word, the quicker it will become a habit. As you develop the habit of using this word, you will begin to see and feel roadblocks removed from your path. You will find more solutions. You will discover new ways to get things done. You will find more achievement and less frustration.
The simple, small word, that has so much power and can bring huge dividends is the word “How.”
If you ask the question, “Can I get a raise?” it’s likely thoughts will cross your mind like there is a pandemic, the economy is tight, unemployment is high, whether your supervisor likes you, if you deserve a raise or if others are getting raises. None of these thoughts will help you get a raise.
Now let’s add the word “how” and see what changes. “How can I get a raise?” Immediately your thoughts will go to taking action! I can take on more responsibilities. I can come in earlier, stay later. I can go in and ask for a raise. I can look for a higher paying job with a competitor.
When you compare the answers to “Can I get a raise?” to the answers of “How can I get a raise?” you can quickly begin to see the power in the word “How.”
Think about the possibilities in adding the word “How.” How can I get my partner to pay more attention to me? How can I get the children to clean their rooms? How can I find time to exercise? How can I find time to complete the book I’m writing? How can I afford a new car? How can I improve communications? The possibilities become endless.
Regardless of what you want to do, what you want to acquire or achieve, as soon as you begin to focus on “how” you are going to do it, you move towards action. Your results will continue to improve as you shift and ask better questions like “How can I make things better?” “How can I enjoy what I’m doing?” “How can I positively impact the lives of others?”
When you think about our interactions, whether we talk or see one another, or even if we’ve never met or spoken and you’ve only read my posts, you may have asked, “Can he help me?” With that question, you may have surmised, “He’s too busy” or “He’s in another country” or “He doesn’t know me.”
Now all you must do is ask yourself, “How can he help me?” Your answers may be “He can give me some perspective.” “He can connect with me on Zoom.” “He can share his personal experiences.” “He can connect me with someone that is familiar with my situation.”
Remember, there is greatness within you. You must choose greatness. It won’t develop on its own. I believe in you!
“If you don’t like your answers, change your questions.”
Take Action Today!
If you would like assistance with “How” you can achieve your greatness, I can help you. We can meet by phone, on Zoom, or in a place you deem safe with social distancing. Whether you choose me or someone else, a coach will expedite your results.
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Published by Bryan M. Balch, Results Coach
Helping Individuals and Businesses Achieve Desired Results