Add these nutrients to fight hair loss
The #hair grow continuously, and after completing the hair cycle the hair follicles replace them with new hair by obtaining nutrients from the body. The food we eat can affect their hair growth, volume, strength, and quality. Certain proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are especially important for managing healthy scalp and hair.
There is no denying that diet plays a very important role in keeping the hair and skin healthy, but choosing the right food can be tough, and it may require extensive research. Luckily with the help of expert’s guidance, one can choose just the right diet to get rid of their hair and scalp problems. Dr. Nivedita Dadu, one of the leading dermatologists in Delhi also says, “The fact that we all tend to forget is that hair grows from roots, so to keep it healthy, it is important to focus on scalp health and hair follicles.” Read the full article published in Indian Express to know more about these superfoods and get the diet that nourishes the hair.
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