Add notes as attachment via custom code in X++.
In my current project requirement a simple note is required to be added via code in D365 Finance and Operations masters. This is achieved via below code requirements.
Let me tell in simple pattern to be followed which can be used in any format.
Step1. Create a Runnable class in Visual Studio after creating a new project and attaching models with it.
Step2. Define the code.
class VendAccountDocument
? ? /// <summary>
? ? /// Runs the class with the specified arguments.
? ? /// </summary>
? ? /// <param name = "_args">The specified arguments.</param>
? ? public static void main(Args _args)
? ? {
? ? ? ? VendTable vendTable;
? ? ? ? DocuType docuType;
? ? ? ? DocuRef docuRef;
? ? ? ? vendTable = VendTable::find('104');
? ? ? ? docuType = DocuType::find('Note');
? ? ? ? if(!docuType||docuType.TypeGroup!=DocuTypeGroup::Note)
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? throw Error("Invalid document type");
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? docuRef.RefCompanyId = vendTable.DataAreaId;
? ? ? ? docuRef.RefTableId? ?= vendTable.TableId;
? ? ? ? docuRef.RefRecId? ? ?= vendTable.RecId;
? ? ? ? docuRef.TypeId? ? ? =? docuType.TypeId;
? ? ? ? docuRef.Name = 'Automatic note';
? ? ? ? docuRef.Notes = 'Automatic Notes';
? ? ? ? docuRef.insert();
? ? ? ? Info("Document note has been added successfully");
? ? }
Code Explanation:
Result of this code:
I wish this will help to take it further.