Add Income Streams to Secure Your Future
Do you worry about losing your job? Or about your financial future? With American’s living longer and fluctuations in our economy, it’s important to build income while avoiding putting all your eggs in one basket. As we have recently seen, even the government can shut down. What if the current business you work for closed its doors today? Would you be able to continue living your current lifestyle?
Millionaires on average have seven streams of income. Which means, on average, they have seven sources of income. While it may take a while to work up to that amount, even having two or three streams is a step in the right direction. Most Americans would not be able to sustain their current lifestyle if they were laid off, fired, or perhaps have reduced pay. In fact, 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck, according to CareerBuilder. Imagine having 7 sources of income, if one of the sources no longer provided income, you would likely still have financial stability, perhaps be thriving.
What additional streams of income can you start up?
- Franchise/Business Ownership
- Investments
- Rental Income
- Blog/Author
- Teach Online Courses
- License Your Photos
- Create a YouTube Channel
While most of these income sources you may be familiar with, franchise ownership may be a unique opportunity you’ve never thought of before. Franchises are uniquely positioned for people that want to keep their jobs and open a business on the side, semi-absentee ownership. In most cases, the owner will hire a manager to do the day to day operations while the owner oversees the general direction of the business’ health and growth. While the new business will require more time in the initial days, a semi-absentee owner gets to step back and rely on help from the franchise to support the manager and help with training.
Ready to learn if a semi-absentee franchise is the right revenue stream for you? My job is to help you evaluate your goals and take steps towards diversifying your options. Don’t let another day pass you by, schedule a call with me today.