Add DataWeave Library Extension & ublish DW Library Project to Exchange
Kancharla Sandeep Sai Kumar
{ "PartOf" : "Mule Mentor??","?Certified" : "??2 x MuleSoft ?", "service??" : "??REST API?soap??", "Expertise??" : "DataWeave", "???Developer" : "??Mulesoft", "???Trailhead": "??????Explorer" }
DataWeave is?a programming language designed by MuleSoft for accessing and transforming data that travels through a Mule application
DataWeave Playground:
The DataWeave Playground?enables developers to create mock data transformations in their web browser based on an input payload
Why we need to use DataWeave Library Extension:
The DataWeave extension adds language support that enables you to develop, debug, test DataWeave scripts and quickly start creating DataWeave libraries.
How to add Dataweave Extenson:
Why we need libraries ?
To reuse the Dataweave modules over and over in same/different projects, Dataweave libraries is a set of or particular functionality in a module, to create your own custom dataweave library follow below steps.
Create a DataWeave Project:
6. Choose a directory folder for your new project and Select ok
How to create new dataweave module:
* This module will be shared through your library, feel free to modify it as you please.
* You can try it out with the mapping on the src/test/dw directory.
%dw 2.0
//change the key/value to upper case condition to change key then inType is 'upperkey' if change value then inType is 'uppervalue'
fun upperData(inData,inType,from,to) = (
??? inData mapObject ((value, key, index) -> {
??????? (if(lower(inType) ~= "upperkey")upper(key) else key) : (
??????????? if(value is Array)keyformatArray(value,inType,from,to)
??????????? else if(value is Object)upperData(value,inType,from,to)
??????????? else if(lower(inType) ~= "uppervalue")upper(value) else value)
??????????? }))
//change the key/value to lower case condition to change key then inType is 'lowerkey' if change value then inType is 'lowervalue'
fun lowerData(inData,inType,from,to) = (
??? inData mapObject ((value, key, index) -> {
??????? (if(lower(inType) ~= "lowerkey")lower(key) else key) : (
???????? ???if(value is Array)keyformatArray(value,inType,from,to)
??????????? else if(value is Object)lowerData(value,inType,from,to)
??????????? else if(lower(inType) ~= "lowervalue")lower(value) else value)
??????????? }))
//change the value from value to value then pass 3rd and 4th parameter in formatData function 3rd postion indicates from value 4th parameter indicates to value
fun change(inData,inType,from,to) = (
??? inData mapObject ((value, key, index) -> {
??????? (key) : (
??????????? if(value is Array)keyformatArray(value,inType,from,to)
??????????? else if(value is Object)change(value,inType,from,to)
??????????? else value replace (from default "") with (to default "")
??????????? )
??????????? }))
fun keyformatArray(inData,inType,from,to) = (
??? inData map ((item, index) ->formatData(item,inType,from,to))
??? )
* Describes the `formatData` function purpose.
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,1,3"]
* |===
* | Name | Type | Description
* | `inData` | Object or Array of Objects |
* | `inType` | String | it work based on upperkey or uppervalue or lowerkey or lowervalue or change
* | `from` | String or null | if inType is change need to pass this value otherwise null
* | `to` | String or null | if inType is change need to pass this value otherwise null
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `formatData` function behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* import * from formatData
* var indata = {
*?? "ResourceType": "Immunization",
*? "id": "M197197986",
*? "meTa": {
*??? "versionId": "1K0",
*??? "lastUpdated": "2022-05-05T08:05:34+00:00"
*? }
* }
* ---
* formatData(indata,"upperKey",null,null)
* ----
* ==== Output
* {
* "RESOURCETYPE": "Immunization",
* "ID": "M197197986",
* "META": {
*?? "VERSIONID": "1K0",
*?? "LASTUPDATED": "2022-05-05T08:05:34+00:00"
*? }
* }
* ----
* ----
fun formatData(inData,inType,from,to) =(
??? if(inData is Array)keyformatArray(inData,inType,from,to)
??? else if(inData is Object)(
??????? if(lower(inType) contains "upper") upperData(inData,inType,from,to)
??????? else if(lower(inType) contains "lower") lowerData(inData,inType,from,to)
??????? else if( inType contains "change") change(inData,inType,from,to)
??????? else
??????? inData
??? )
??? else inData
??? )
Unit Test:-
Test Functionality:-
8.?Update the Org Id: Change the groupId to org id of anypoint account in pom.xml file. Uncomment the repository and distribution management in pom.xml file. Also replace these ORGANIZATION_ID to org id of anypoint account
9.?Maven Settings: Create a maven settings.xml file in root folder and update the credentials of anypoint platform in settings.xml to publish the dataweave library. Both repository id and server id should be same.
?? <server>
??????? <id>exchange</id>
??????? <username>anypoint username</username>
??????? <password>anypoint password</password>
??? </server>
10. How to publish dataweave module
Go to terminal and run below cmd
mvn deploy -s maven-settings.xml
11. verify the dataweave library in exchange by login into configured(setting.xml) platform account
12. To use published dataweave module in your project, in exchange open recently created library and go to dependency snippets, and copy the maven dependency.
13. Add the dependency in you project pom file.
Insightful article Kancharla Sandeep Sai Kumar. Thanks for sharing this with us.