Adblock and Problem of Medium menu bar

Adblock and Problem of Medium menu bar

Today I faced a unusual problem , while trying to post on, i saw there is no Publish button, more over there was no menu bar at all, where Medium gives you bunch of options .

I was publishing something after so many days , so i though Medium must have change something in their design or had put some constraints on publishing sorties but after googling for sometime i didn’t find anything relevant . So i decided to contact their support team .

They are super responsive :) . They reverted back with in an hour by telling me ad blocker problem .

I opened a tab in incognito mode and its start working . I got curious how this is happening , so i decided to dig more .

I opened Medium in a normal tab where adblock is hiding menu bar and another in incognito tab where adblock doesn’t work (I didn’t enabled option for incognito in settings ). I saw that one of the Medium URL is getting blocked by adblock , also adblock hiding an element , Gotcha this was our menu bar which was getting hide by adblock . Adblock also gives reason why its blocking any content , below is image where you can see why its blocking all contents .

Basically Adblock works on some predefined list of patterns for element hiding and request blocking on client side . You can check these list here. For our case adblock blocked element from this list .

If you are a publisher on Medium and facing similar problem , so you can do two things either open Medium in incognito mode(i recommend this ) or stop adblock for Medium .


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