Adavnced Persistent Threats are Real
ArunVivek Iyer (阿伦维维克)
Exe. Dir. Sec. Engineering at Standard Chartered Bank (Cloud & Container Security | AIML LLM Model Security | DevSecOps | Sec. Engineering | MLSecOps | SSDLC I SecOps I Security Automation I CICD Security Engineering )
Advanced Persistent Threats Are Real
Advanced persistent threat (APT) is a term that has been used frequently in the course of security threat discussions; however, confusion exists as to what an APT is and how to manage the risk associated with it. Although the study reveals that a large number of respondents feel that APTs are important and have the ability to impact national security and economic stability, the study also indicates that the controls being used to defend against APTs might not be sufficient to adequately protect enterprise networks.
Is your enterprise at risk?
Learn why of those who were surveyed:
- 92% feel APTs are a serious threat
- 66% think it is only a matter of time
- 75% feel this is the largest gap in APT prevention
- 1 in 5 have experienced an APT attack