Adaptive Job Server(AJS) for WebI reports
2. Go to Manage -> New -> New Server
3. Select " Web Intelligence Services" from Service Category
4. Select Web Intelligence Scheduling Service from "Select Service" and click on Next
5. Add "Destination Delivery Scheduling Service" and click on Next
6. Rename the server as "AJS WEBI" or to any name as per your convenience and click on Create
7. New Adaptive Job Server "AJS WEBI" will be added under "Servers"
8. Right Click, Enable and start Server
9. Right Click on newly created server and go to "Edit Common Services" to see services which have been added.
10. TraceLog Service and Destination configuration Service gets automatically added by default.
11. Go to Properties and set Maximum Concurrent Jobs under "Destination Delivery Scheduling Service" and "Web Intelligence Scheduling Service".
12. Default is 5 and set to a desired value (I kept 15 not to have any impact on performance). Also I have created multiple Adaptive Job Server for WebI to split the load and traffic from various application users.