Adapting to the changing landscape of the insurance industry

Adapting to the changing landscape of the insurance industry

As we navigate the impacts of inflation causing higher premiums and growing loss ratios, the insurance industry continues to adjust and so do network partners. Click HERE to read a collaborative article from Insurance Journal magazine and the Smart Choice agents program.

This whitepaper discusses how network partners, like Smart Choice, help independent agents of all sizes capitalize on market access to top rated carriers, higher commissions, and especially in times like this, ease of production requirements.

Smart Choice is currently partnered with over 9,000 agents nationwide, has agreements with more than 100 national and regional carriers and our agency partners collectively write more than $11 billion in premium annually. With no signup or monthly fees, plus our agent friendly contract, Smart Choice is the nation’s fastest growing network.

As access to direct appointments become harder and production requirements become stricter, I hope to have the opportunity to discuss further with you how Smart Choice can help your agency thrive in all market conditions. Please feel free to reach out to me directly or schedule a time for us to follow up. I am looking forward to learning more about your agency and introducing myself as a resource for you now or in the future.


Matt Taylor

Illinois State Director

o: (270) 302-0521

Schedule Appointment



