

Adaptation has been thought to be another word for adopting change. Whether it's changing personally or professionally, the common saying is "you have to adapt." And although that's true, adaptation happens every day.

It's called practice. Adaptation is the by-product of practice, and it's one step beyond learning. The cycle of practice and adaptation creates multifaceted growth. You are building concentration and focus, and training your brain to learn more effectively. More easily.

The process of adaptation is where more and more detail comes into focus. Our capacity grows and stretches to touch the idea we're working on. And as we do it over and over it becomes a little easier. Then we step away and come back to find it flows more naturally.

It's more than learning - it's not just reading information and remembering. It's a new reality where we wake up and suddenly find ourselves with more skill than we had the day before. Practice gets us part of the way there. Then it takes time for practice to be absorbed into the body.

3 Takeaways:

  1. Adaptation plays a bigger role than practice.
  2. The world is ever-changing - we must adapt and grow in order to receive.
  3. Adaptation is evolution.

Something to Note:

We have to be open to learning. From learning, we can practice. Through the right practice, we adapt. It starts with opening the idea that there is room for change. Yes, we adapt to change, but we also change to adapt.


