5 ways of my adaptability when joining Bangkit 2023


What do you know about adaptability? Adaptability is the ability to learn flexibly and efficiently and to apply that knowledge in various situations. Especially in this VUCA era, where the world we live in now, changes happen very quickly, and unexpectedly, and are influenced by many factors that are difficult for us to control. So it is important to have the ability to adapt, because why? we can improve flexibility, encourage innovation, promote resilience, and increase agility to survive.

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VUCA world

After attending the ILT soft skills class on adaptability and resilience taught by Kak Rendy Aries Fajrin , I want to share how I adapted to Bangkit in 5 ways. BTW, this Ilt session was really fun hehe. So, back to the topic, this is my experience reflection:

1. Ways of Interacting

We know that the Bangkit program is conducted online and is attended by several students from all over Indonesia, so each cohort must have different personalities, backgrounds, and struggles in adapting to each other, as well as to mentors, due to factors such as age differences, language barriers, and others. Personally, at first, I felt a bit awkward towards others, maybe because my English was not very good, and my knowledge of programming was still lacking. However, I tried to expand my network and slowly adapted to get to know people better. Before this, we also experienced a pandemic, so interacting online was not new for me, and it did not hinder me from getting along easily with many people in Bangkit.

2. Ways of Achieving

Becoming a Bangkit participant was my initial achievement this year, and my next goal was to pass with excellent results and gain helpful knowledge. My goal in participating in Bangkit was to gain in-depth knowledge about machine learning and its implementation in a project at the end of the program. Besides that, Bangkit itself has weekly targets and milestones, so I tried to be the best version of myself to achieve the goals, with the help of supportive friends around me. And at the end of Bangkit, hopefully, I can maximize my knowledge in the final project.

3. Ways of Learning

In Bangkit, there are many ways to learn new things, especially since we are given the privilege of having mentors who have been very helpful in my progress in the program. I also utilized the mentors to ask about things related to Bangkit or machine learning, such as learning methods, and their experiences, which helped me to be more open-minded. Besides that, in Bangkit, I could learn more about machine learning from the courses provided. Of course, I did not waste this opportunity and learned more diligently to understand the material. Besides the provided material, I also sought knowledge and shared knowledge with friends, especially those who were experienced in machine learning or programming since I am also curious about other paths besides machine learning.

4. Ways of Working

The Bangkit program itself is an independent study program where we have to learn independently for a minimum of 8 productive hours a day, and the schedule is quite tight, such as learning on Coursera and attending ILT soft skill or tech classes every week. Therefore, I had to manage my time wisely and work efficiently. I used tools such as Google Calendar, Notion, and Google Classroom to be more productive than before I joined Bangkit, and that had a significant impact on me so that I no longer procrastinated. The Bangkit community itself is also suitable for encouraging my spirit to learn many things.

5. Ways of Thinking

In Bangkit, I not only gained hard skills but also focused on soft skills. In the first week of Bangkit, we were given an ILT soft skill session about growth mindset, so I have implemented a growth mindset since the beginning, and it has been very influential in my adaptation and learning, making me more confident in my abilities.

In conclusion, in this world we do not know when changes happen because we cannot control them, so the way we should do is to be ready to adapt quickly and effectively.

#Bangkit2023?#LifeAtBangkit?#GrowWithGoogle?#GoTo?#Traveloka #Adaptability

Very useful insight! Thank you for sharing your adaptabilities improvement ??


