Adaptability and Resilience

This world is constantly expanding in size and knowledge so in order to stay relevant we need to be able to adapt to change no matter how sudden it is. This applies to everyone, including me as a Cohort of Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka . The learning path I’m interested in has almost nothing to do with what I’ve learnt in college and I was on my pilgrimage when my scheduled preliminary test so I have to adapt to lots of stuff. When the test result got announced, It is mentioned that I have some document problems and I was given a second opportunity by giving a confirmation mail that I’m still dedicated to join bangkit.

When Bangkit start, I was quite overwhelmed with how much information I have to process. From the learning platforms, variative sessions and classes, non-technical materials, and the deadlines. Among the variety of classes, one of them focuses on soft skill development sessions lead by a specialist on the specified soft skill. I’m making this post as a form of implementation of what I’ve learnt on my 4th Instructor Led Training on Soft Skill, which could be shortened into ILT-SS-04 which is Adaptability and Resilience. We are taught that there are 5 ways of adaptability, they are Ways of Interacting, Ways of Achieving, Ways of Learning, Ways of Working, and Ways of Thinking. I have tried to adapt to changes in my life, especially sudden ones, but they were all unguided so it wasn’t guaranteed that it would be for the better. I hope the outcome of this ILT session on Adaptability and Resilience would help guide and enlighten any adaptation I would have to do in the future.

1.?????Ways of Interacting

Ways of Interacting can be broken down into Interacting to people of different age, language usage, communication preferences, personality, and due to the pandemic and digitalization of almost everything forged online interaction. I was forced to adapt using my preexisting knowledge on Arabic to speak to the locals when I got scheduled for the preliminary test during my pilgrimage just to get an internet connection as my roaming package was acting up. After joining bangkit I meet new people from all over the country even though it’s done virtually through discord and google meet, but from there I learnt some new communication preferences as everyone has their own preference.


2.?????Ways of Achieving

Setting a target could be seen as wanting to achieve a sense of purpose and reason to adapt on how to achieve that target. The key to this is continuous hard work. I wanted to achieve some targets, whether the literal learning path or the soft skills I’m lacking. I also hope to land a job after finishing Bangkit as some of my friends has done it. I know that I will need to work myself off to actually get it


3.?????Ways of Learning

There are lots of resources for learning due to the constantly expanding human knowledge, those resources could be categorized into learning from a mentor, learning by doing from participation in projects or events, observing other’s work by joining a professional community, or self-learning to improve yourself. Bangkit’s learning resources are mostly self-paced self-learning but they also provide mentors according to everyone’s learning path and its own. I don’t know if this falls into a way of learning or interacting as I feel like with all these people, I learn how to interact with people from observing how they communicate with someone else.


4.?????Ways of Working

There’s a variety of working conditions, like Office layout or workspace, working hours, working culture, and working tools. Bangkit is done entirely online so far so office layout or workspace is not a problem as long as you got any space and a stable internet connection. On the opening it is mentioned that we should spare at least 8 hours a day to do the given courses. Before joining bangkit I use discord primarily to hang out with my friends or work on organization and projects with them. Bangkit’s platform of choice to communicate happens to use discord also, and now I see that it’s more utilizable than my usual usage. Another tool Bangkit uses are google calendar and classroom. I’m quite familiar with google classroom already as I have used it for numerous other courses and classes before, same thing with google calendar but I learnt that you could invite other people when you make a schedule so that other’s would also be notified about the schedule you made.


5.?????Ways of Thinking

How people think could be categorized into Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset. This was mentioned on ILT-SS-01. Essentially this world and everything we know about it will continue to grow whether we like it or not so in order to stay relevant we need to develop a growth mindset, one capable to meet the required adjustments. Shortly it is a willingness to learn, especially in the constantly expanding world that we live in

Thank you if you've made it this far as you took time to read my article

#lifeatbangkit #bangkit2023


