Adapt, Create & Dare

Adapt, Create & Dare

Since March 23rd, JFD gives to its community a new weekly rendezvous: a live on Instagram (@jfdofficiel) every Monday starting at 6pm (CET). 

Since we are all confined to stay home, schools and other activities are closed over the next few weeks, JFD are joining you online – to keep you inspired, motivated and learning. Each week we’ll run events across platforms for our community Zoom, Hangouts and Instagram Live : On Mondays at 6pm - Connect live with JFD and our guest speakers. On Wednesdays throughout the day, tutorials and digital experiences - Learn with JFD.

To make your time at home more fun,  we are putting together a series of online events and experiences. So #StayHome with us and get your #JFD MODE IN!

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Entrepreneurs, VCs, big companies, associations, we are all facing this crisis together, from different angles. Our community from Europe and Africa will be sharing best practices and advice, and get us through their personal stories (Anna Stépanoff, founder of Wild Code School, Arielle Kitio, founder of Caysti...), economic debates with investors (Anne Ravanova, founder of Global Invest Her) and discussions with economic and political personalities. Topics about wellbeing will also be addressed with Ga?lle Frizon de Lamotte, founder of OLY Be, with whom JFD will offer live yoga lessons.

We are living a particular time amid the Coronavirus outbreak. Here are our positive thoughts and ideas that we’d like to share with our community.

Yes, isolation can lead to creativity!

We need to stay at home to protect ourselves and others. But we can take this time as a gift to make some good changes. Take for instance, Isaac Newton who made a major discovery during a challenging time. In 1665 he retreated to his Woolsthorpe Manor Home (England) to escape the Bubonic Plague. At that time, no TV, no music or video streaming services, no online gaming or no homeschool with teachers online. However, away from his Cambridge University, without his professors around him, Isaac has been extremely productive and even discovered the law of universal gravitation. 

Stay safe, stay at home, but remain connected with others and yourself. 

We have the chance today to be able to stay at home and stay connected with others, but we should not forget to stay connected with ourselves. To do so, I follow my Yogi teacher’s lessons everyday on Instagram. I use this time to focus on myself. We should use the extra time we have to reflect, think and meditate. 

Be more attentive to nature signs

The additional way that helps us to cope with the situation is to listen to what Nature is telling us. Dolphins returning to Italian ports, Venice waters are running clear, air quality improves, levels of warming gases are dropping… Looks like as humans self-isolate, nature hit the reset button.  

Every little step we make differently today will help us in our future. As women we should feel empowered to make some changes in this world. We should not go back to our old habits when the confinement will be over. 

Of course we can not ignore the tragic impact of the virus, but we do not agree with the declaration that “we are at war”.  We should stay optimistic to reflect rather than take it as a punition. As Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher and author said “Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” 

“We are very powerful when we come together”

We need to show the world that we are together, we are allies for a better world. This is the reason why we decided to bring together inspiring women every Monday to help us make a difference and enhance our creativity.

Here are our tips to stay connected, not only with others, but ourselves first of all : 

The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates. She shares lessons she has learned from inspiring people she met at different steps of her life. She uses personal anecdotes and tells the story of her heroes. It was very inspirational for us. 

The Plague by Albert Camus. It’s important that we take time to read it again to realize that each of us has a part to play in this. The Plague gives a deep and humanistic reflection on the behaviors adopted by a society when its rights are restricted. Throughout the novel, Albert Camus asks: Are we more human when we are ready to devote ourselves to save our species, or when we think first of ourselves and our loved ones? Can such an event make us grow, or simply expose the worst flaws of humanity? Camus reminds us that we are finally human by the simple fact of reacting, waiting, loving or suffering.

How to keep your team motivated and fuelled? We see each other every morning during our daily team meeting via a video call. It helps to not let yourself go, since you wake up every morning with a purpose, we still have to take care of us, being presentable. We make sure everyone is okay, if we need moral support from each other and we share ideas to go further. Even if we are connected throughout the day, we start the day together and that really helps. 

What would be the alternative to JFD this year? Everything that we had been doing for 8 year. Sharing ideas via Instagram, showing all the women who change the world on our networks. Digital is the solution and if JFD can’t lead by example, who will?! We will accelerate and multiply our activities on social networks, we will reveal the winners of les Margaret award 2020, on April 21st. More information is coming up, stay tuned. We are reinventing ourselves and I think you will appreciate the alternatives even better. This crisis has pushed ourselves to stretch. Digital is the alternative. 

How do you think we can leverage digital and technology to the new world? We as women (and men of course) have to show that the women who change the world, the women who use new technologies, the women who create startups or ideas to make the world a better world, more than ever need to be helped, need to be supported by large companies, by investors financing them. We need to listen to what women have to say. We have to listen to them more and better. Again, I think we are the solution and we need to be really convinced about that because WE can make the difference with our technologies for a better world. So we can all of us better leverage even further and think about what will come next and anticipate. Anticipation is key to success. We need to think of what is going to be the aftermath. Darwin said that “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”. 

What are the risks for women and young girls in this difficult time? What JFD and any of us can do to avoid them? Feeling isolated.  We read an article on Challenges about women who are isolated and experiencing more domestic violence because of the confinement. Once again, we think digital can be a solution. Take for exemple Diariata N’Diaye’s innovation: App-Elles, a free personal safety app for girls and women who are victims of violence. It enables users to quickly alert and easily call friends, family, emergency services, NGOs and any relevant contacts. App-Elles meets the main support needs for women faced with violence. It offers, in a simple and intuitive interface, three features: sending alerts, calling and searching for help. The additional bracelet is connected to an innovative streaming protocol: live and recorded audio streaming, instant replay feature and GPS tracking in real time.  

This is one solution among many others. We need to show the world that for every issue, women have thought about it and created a digital solution. We have been thinking of that, we can help. There is a JFD generation who has thought about solutions to change the world. We are not going to let anyone think that they can ignore 52% of humanity. 

JFD is still there and stronger than ever. We keep helping you stay safe, stay at home and still connected and entertained. See you every Monday at 6PM (CET). Ask us as many questions as you want and we will do our best to help. 


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