Gabriel Delgado
Gallery and Museum Executive Leadership | Director of Operations | PR & Marketing | Art Writer
"...Adam Spear, a Florida native, has found a niche in his unique social media inspired urban pop art. Candid Instagram and Facebook profile pictures of strangers make up the bulk of his quasi-narrative of meme symbology. Urban hieroglyphics encapsulate the subject. Neon colors, street pseudonym tags, color swatches, 80’s nostalgia, and evidence of the never lasting short-term, dopamine-driven feedback deliver a bold and invigorating pop punch.
Multilayers of mixed media give life to a canvas that has been feverishly drenched in a push and pull composition. Portraits comprised of irregular black outlines act a simple line gestures overlaid a dynamic and complicated background." - Gabriel Diego Delgado
Adam Spear art performance at Rosenbaum Contemporary August 3, 2019 from 6 pm – 10 pm
Event is free and open to the public
#contemporary #gallery #artmarket #painting #exhibition #museum #series #mixedmedia #popart #canvas #freeevent #somethingtodo #BocaRaton #Contemporaryart #AdamSpear #80's #90's #performance
Second Photo Courtesy of the Artist and the Faena Hotel, Miami