Gary German
Chief Guest Experience Officer Orion Travel Technologies, Inc. Med Tech Migration, inc. , Bonsoir, Inc.
How one man could change the adverting business with one Patent
A Senior Advertising Buyer at a major luggage company was upset after a major buy of advertising services did not get him his ROI that he was expecting. Fearing for his job he decided to look deeper in the marketing well to see if he could come up with something really special for all ad buyers out there in media heaven. After spending thousands of dollars on an advertising salesman’s pitch, throwing guarantees and lots of promises. The results, 7% ROI.
He thought for a moment, did he something wrong? He rechecked all his dialog, editing, cool graphics, pricing, and the pitch. He did everything right, a great campaign, pricing was good, the pitch was very clear, a percentage off on the current price and still nothing of what he expected.
What went wrong? Was there to much clutter out in social media, news, radio, television, print, and on the web? Or was it just the old advertising model. The model was with risks, no guarantees, maybe no sales. Which has always been a major risk especially if you were trying to build your brand awareness?
His PR campaign was not bad. Writers liked his product both nationally and globally and wrote favorably about his innovative new product.
But to no avail, his money was tied in many media placement. An email campaign, TV campaign, and radio campaign fizzled with little ROI. His earned media campaigns were the only ones that were winning. Is it still a major gamble for new companies, startups and sometimes major fortune 500 companies to get their new brand campaign out there? They say in the ad industry, repetitiveness is always KING! By the time you use these dinosoric methods, you’re pretty much broke.
At that point, he decided to do something unorthodox. Try to think outside the box. He thought there must be something that can be done to help advertisers put their clients out their so that their customers can buy their products. Their clients whom spend thousands to attract new customers that don’t have a lot money to throw around on new branding campaigns. There has to be another way for his company and the countless other companies trying to build their brand awareness’. “I was sick and tired at gambling my investors’ money away without any return on their investment. “
So four years later he used existing ideas and plenty of failures and some good luck to come up with something that could please everyone. Every piece of low hanging fruit could satisfy everyone including the customer, the media, the media buyer (Company) and of course with a successful ROI.
“For years, he called it “Ad Bullying.” Salesman would say “if you don’t use our ad platform your customers will never come knocking your door down for your product.”
Email, radio, billboard, magazines, YouTube, Snap-chat, Google, Facebook, print, television, and web is all still a major risk, but you have to do it if you want to compete for customers and all of them are never guaranteed.
What if you as the advertiser, the product or service and the customer can come together as one team? Unheard of in this day and time. It would be historic if one could pull it off. There would be tons of obstacles to overcome; however, you could satisfy everyone equally; the advertiser, the company, paying for the marketing program and the customer all together. This new circle your wagons platform has never been tried before.
After the patent office awarded him, he set out talking to the ad companies. They said it could not be done-not in a million years on the current playing field. But why not. Greed? Afraid to be own up if the ads did not work? No major player wants to play in a new field or outside the box in a whole new world. Could be he thought.
Well as it turns out, he was right after seeing the program work overseas in four major countries. It’s finally here ready to launch in the US this summer.
ENTER the ORBTT’S ADAM I Media Platform
ADAM I MEDIA PLATFORM is a free ad program. AD Campaigns can be catered to a trio of marketing partners in the Travel space. ORBTT is like no other in the ad, promotion and marketing industry. This media platform brings the advertiser paying customers instantly through a captured cognitive ad campaign that develops each customer into becoming an evangelistic volunteer of each product or service.
The ORBTT mobile advertising billboard essentially becomes the volunteer’s shields of armor to spread the word though various captured market locations. Those locations are the world’s largest airports, cruise ports, train stations, hotels and resorts and not to mention in ride sharing, taxis and through bus stations around the world. In an international or region airport setting, the spandex sleeve can be seen from the curb through ticketing, on through the TSA line and to the terminal and the gate and then onto the plane and to the seat.
ORBTT can capture as much as 10,000 eyes in one airport at one time. Media partners then offer volunteers free products from their inventories for doing the hard work for them. Once, volunteers know that they can obtain the product at an unbelievable price or the product for free for their services. Travelers of all ages join up like a vast army going to war to spread the word around the world.
Volunteers purchase a 20-inch carry-on bag spandex sleeve for $20.00 that carries the advertisements of each marketing partner. On the sleeve is attached via Velcro to torch lights that have the logos of the ad partners that shine to the ground, walls or the ceiling. By purchasing these sleeves, the volunteers are given branding guidelines to follow while traveling with the advertisements. The guidelines are strict and have to be adhered to for the volunteers to receive their awards from the advertising partners.
· Finder’s Fee Philosophy
· Built in Evangelists
· Built in Volunteers
· Built in Brand Ambassadors
· LOW ARPU $20.00 Spandex Sleeve and Logo Torch Lights Paid for by Volunteers
· Built in Customers
· No Money out of pocket
· Everyone Wins Philosophy
State wide, Country wide, World wide
Events and Festivals
· Worldwide Music Events and Festivals
· Worldwide Historical Festivals
· Worldwide Amusement Park ride openings
· Opening of feature film
· Major sports event
· Major tourism event
· Seasonal Event
· State wide travel event
· State wide festival
How it works
The Client-the one paying for the advertising
The Advertiser Partner-the one charging for the method of getting eyes and on the product and the product getting sold
The Customer-The personality/age group/income and geographical location buying the product-is a volunteer and brand ambassador of the product
Volunteers via the ADAM I platform become brand ambassadors while traveling.
· What happens if you get the customer to buy you product immediately and then becomes an evangelistic ambassador of your product simultaneously?
· What happens if the customer advertises your product for 1000’s of miles across an entire country or even the entire globe?
· What happens if your ARPU is so low there isn’t any ARPU to talk about ever again?
· What happens if you build an entire new customer base?
· What happens if you can gear the platform towards age groups and spending habits?
· What happens if the platform is based on a “Finder’s Fee Methodology?” with measurable instant ROI
· What happens if the advertiser and the client are happy with the results of the program
· What if everyone wins
The Client is thrilled because the platform
· Gives the client a true built in customer that becomes a brand ambassador with little training
· Gives the client worldwide recognition and can change their program almost overnight
· Completely measurable on the fly with Mobile app on all volunteers phones
· Can watch movement of all customers while in transit and can locate their where-a-bouts and timing of purchases
· Get message to do something different on the fly via the mobile app
· Give ambassadors and volunteers the opportunity to chat with folks who want more information as they see the luggage with lights and have questions to talk about the ad and the platform
What happens if you could replicate this to other industries?
ADAM I PLATFORM Wins-every participant wins
How platform awards are retrieved
All volunteers must sign up 60 days before launch date
- UPC must be sent in from each volunteer
- Address, email, phone number. name, age, and gender of each volunteer must be sent to both partner brands
- Volunteer brand participant guidelines must be signed off
- On board plane, train or cruise ship participating partner must send out special award voucher codes to all volunteers so that they can redeem the awards on board
- Mobile App Scan code for flight attendants and gate agents
- Must have special award code color when in field traveling
- All Mobile apps must be in sync for attrition
- All participating partners must give all on board members an in-flight sheet (manifest) of where volunteers are sitting so that they can give awards to those volunteers
- Each flight will have a special manifest with those volunteer seat locations
- Sign ups will be available on ORBBT web site before traveling, and those signers will be given to each participating partner.
Example of ADAM I in the field this summer
Airline Partner
· Volunteers/Brand Ambassadors must purchase tickets on participating airline to obtain awards!
· Those awards are given to volunteers for their service trucking the mobile luggage billboard through the airports and hotel lobbies. Then repeat on the return flight.
· Must have torch lights on during walk through's with logo’s shining bright
For their service in the field volunteers then can obtain the awards when they board the plane
Volunteers will receive the following:
· Baggage fees paid for
· Seat selection fees paid for
· Free sandwich on board
· Free Alcoholic Drink on board
· Free WIFI service
· Opportunity to win a free upgrade via a drawing before plane shuts the doors-must have availability
· Opportunity to win a free entry into airlines lounge area in any given airport both domestic or international of return flight
· Possibility to win miles to place on their mileage program
Reverse Side Partner will receive the following:
States Tourism Department
Volunteers must purchase from participating tourism vendors (Festivals/Art shows, Museums, Amusement parks, Retail Shops, Restaurants, Vacation Rentals, Hotels, and Resorts
Volunteers will receive the following:
· Major Discounts from purchases
· Free Food
· Free Entry
· Free Concert Tickets
· Free Beverages
· Free Shopping carts
So by coming up with a way that pays back the advertiser, the customer, the flyer, the volunteer where now everyone benefits in equal and shared ways. Flying will become fun again. Games can be played in the air and winnings can be had at participating tourism companies while travelers are visiting that state and city.
ROI is now obtainable!
Everyone is happy ever after!