From time to time, we can all take silly expressions far too seriously. When we are feeling vulnerable, or things are out of our control, we especially tend to place too much importance on sayings and cling onto any thread of perceived wisdom to give us guidance and belief. If there is negative thinking that’s holding you back, or if you are hoping for things to change without putting any plans into action, it might help if you take a look at some of these sayings. Ask yourself if any of them are particularly helpful to you. Once you've read through these, see if you can apply this logic to some of your own, and perhaps share them with me in the comments. There will be a few more tomorrow.

“Opportunity knocks”

It is said that Opportunity Knocks. Some people go as far as to say it Opportunity Only Knocks Once. Well I don’t believe that it’s true. What happens if “Opportunity” just got the wrong address? What happens if you live in a huge tower block and every door looks the same? I firmly suggest you fling open your door, and go grab that “Opportunity” before someone else does. Don't let?opportunities in life pass you by. Don't wait for someone to come and knock on your?door.


“Lightning never strikes twice.”

This is supposed to mean that good things?cannot repeat or that bad things cannot happen to the same person. Hmm. If it is meant to pacify, I am afraid it does not. It gives false hope. The sad truth is that just like the unfortunate things that happen in life, as far as I know without actually consulting a meteorologist, lightning does not understand or follow statistics, and the sky has no memory. In other words, just because something rotten happened before, there is no guarantee it will not happen again. The good thing is that if something repeats, at least you know you survived it the first?time round. We cannot stop life happening, good or bad. The only thing we can do is enjoy the here and now, and ideally be as mentally prepared as we possibly can when unpleasant things come up and hit us right between the eyes.

Hurricanes Hardly Ever Happen Michael...

“Ideas above one’s station.”

Once a useful put-down to ensure the maintenance and separation of the social classes, it is now an archaic and insulting expression.? To assume because of common birth, we should not aspire to good things because we work hard and deserve them, comes from another time completely. The expression was originally used to quell ambition by the upper classes that feared usurpation, but ironically, people who are jealous of those striving to achieve a better life now often use the very term that kept them subordinated.


You cannot have big enough dreams. They are meant to be ridiculous, that is entirely the point. Look at the dreams of Sylvester Stallone, Oprah Winfrey or Steve Jobs, in fact, pick any innovator you like, and tell me they did not have ideas above their station.

Tomorrow, I’ll Myth Bust these three chestnuts;

“Chip off the old block.”

"As You Sow, So You Shall Reap” and

“Show me the boy at seven years old and I will show you the man!”

I help you recalibrate your emotions so that you can have better business and personal relationships

I use psycho education, meditation, visualisation both in and out of trance and, where legal, plant medicine

Tanya x

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Sophia Husbands

ERP IT Trainer | Change Consultant | Writer | Entrepreneur

7 个月

I like the Sylvestor Stallone quote.


