Photo: Tom Le Vine


By Tom Le Vine

I’ve never heard anyone say, “Well … I think I’ll try becoming a parent for awhile.” People understand they are committing to a long-term endeavor. They know there may be some rocky moments along the way. Yet, it is a rich, rewarding journey. 

Advertising is no different.

Is there any difference between advertising … and an ad campaign? And why does it matter?  It’s not enough to simply “start running radio ads.” A broadcast campaign is planned. It has identifiable steps.

Sadly, I’ve talked to many business owners who “tried radio once” --- by buying a short-term “event package” being sold by young, well-meaning ad reps. Often, no one talked about the advertiser’s expectations --- or even about their needs.

Often, “event packages” are actively sold mostly because the station is falling short of monthly targets. Either way, the focus is largely on the station.  Yet, there’s an appeal for advertisers, because you want to put your toe in the water before making long-term commitments --- such as an ad campaign.  

As you view life, which is usually better? A packaged solution? Or one that is custom-designed, based on your unique needs? 

People will say, “I don’t want to be locked into a long-term commitment to something that doesn’t work.”  I don’t want that for you, either.  My clients can always cancel their broadcast campaigns with 28-days’ written notice.  My job is to make sure they never want to consider that option.

First, expect good things. AM / FM radio reaches 93% of Americans … every week. That’s more than TV … and even the Internet. That makes radio is a wise choice for many small businesses. Or for businesses that don’t want to stay small.

“Phase One” ads launch for a few short weeks, distinguishing you from competitors based on a deep search of what’s special and unique about your business. Every business has a story. “Phase Two” is a personal, warm invitation from you to the community … or believable testimonial stories from satisfied customers you’ve served, or endorsements from a radio personality. 

Other phases follow, based on the “Inverted Pyramid” … introducing you with a broader foundation at the beginning, narrowing quickly down to a specific point: a fresh way of communicating your “unique selling proposition.”  What are the basic emotions and needs driving the decision to do business with you?  This is the basis of an advertising campaign focused completely on you. Probably much different than the quick ad script that comes with your short-term event ad package.


Stories are the language of the heart. The heart buys, and the mind justifies the decision to buy. 

Broadcast advertising is more powerful and persuasive than ever. But to make it happen, you need someone to shepherd you through the process. 


It doesn’t cost you any more to engage me to represent your advertising interests. For your free, no-obligation sample ad, call.

You can climb Mt. Everest on your own. Or you can enlist the help of guides who understand the dangers and the terrain. I can help. Call for a free coffee meeting and a written assessment of your marketing advantages. (760) 415-6055

Thanks for reading,

Tom LeVine


[email protected]



