Acupuncture for Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Xiang Jun Dr Lim
Singaporean-born Doctorate PhD for Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Biomedical Science at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, NTU (SG)
Among several biological correlates that may explain the principle of acupuncture, the autonomic nervous system is frequently considered to be a mediator of acupuncture stimulation. This is because it can interconnect external somatosensory inputs with internal organ responses via the central neural networks. Through the perspectives of science and Western medicine, the push-pull dynamics between the parasympathetic ("rest and digest") branch and the sympathetic ("fight or flight") branch can be viewed as a type of yin-yang interaction within our autonomic nervous system.
Of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nerves comprising the autonomic nervous system, the vagus nerve, which broadly regulates the functions of internal organs, has been a primary target for exploring the possible effect of cutaneous acupuncture stimulation on internal organs. Notably, vagus nerve stimulation is a well-established way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system in ways that counteract the sympathetic fight-or-flight responses to stress. Such vagus nerve stimulation is achieved by acupuncture. This is the reason why acupuncture is known to help with stress management and calming of nerves which are two main factors for any healing to occur.