Acupuncture is most commonly known for pain relief but there is a growing body of research that supports its effectiveness for anxiety. Anxiety is something that all of us experience from time to time but many, including the young and particularly teenagers, are coming into the Clinic with symptoms of low mood, high anxiety and feelings of overwhelm.

There has been a marked increase in patients enquiring about support for this in our post pandemic world. For some, the transition to ‘a new normal’ has been challenging, for others re-integrating and being with people has created issues and others are fearful about the future after a period of non-connectedness. Generally speaking though anxiety is part of being human and a normal emotion to experience in small doses, but when it becomes protracted, it becomes an issue.

?The Western approach provides medication and therapy to support these symptoms but many find that the side effects are severe and that talking therapy is a long term commitment. An Eastern approach looks holistically at the issue, encouraging the body to find its natural healing pathway and recommending achievable lifestyle modifications to support recovery.?

Ancient Chinese Medicine works on the concept of Qi, or energy or life force. A healthy body is when this flows smoothly through the body. When there are factors like injury or stress, poor nutrition or a change to the environment, this disrupts the flow. This is also true of emotion de-regulation. This energy can be seen as just a metaphor for metabolic function or the chemical reactions that take place in the body.

Acupuncture is adept at influencing the central nervous system and quietening down our ‘fight and flight’ response when we feel stressed or anxious. It encourages the body to produce its own natural pain killing chemicals and affects the part of the brain that controls the emotions, including anxiety.

How often should you get acupuncture for anxiety?

Some report that anxiety lessens considerably after as little as a couple of sessions and go on to see long term benefits. It is very common to feel very relaxed and ‘spaced out’ after treatment as the body calms to the parasympathetic nervous system or ‘rest and digest’ mode – unfamiliar to many of us in this busy stressed world!

Generally speaking 4 weekly sessions are advised, followed by a review. After this time, most symptoms have settled considerably and a further maintenance plan can be discussed.

Book an appointment with Kate Henley today.

“I decided to try a course of acupuncture for my anxiety as I had been taking medication for over a year and was feeling better but was living my life in a sort of haze. I noticed that I started sleeping better and just felt more positive and a bit less stuck in my situation. I also found out that the main source of my anxiety was my family and I took steps to remedy that situation too. Kate recommended that I spent more time outside and eat more protein and after 4 sessions I started feeling like a different person. I now go for acupuncture every couple of months to keep a lid on my symptoms and wonder how I ever managed without it!” - Vicky, Sandridge


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