Acupressure points and  memory

Acupressure points and memory

Have you ever been frustrated while searching for a car key seating pretty in your pocket? or getting your five-minute instant noodles burnt because you had quickly forgotten that you placed something on fire while you engage in other things?

You could be a professional, businessman or woman, a housewife or a student. Having a challenge with concentration and memory can be more consequential than you would care to admit.

From the little things in your immediate environment to more crucial issues such as forgetting doctor’s appointments, not passing on vital information, and missing crucial meetings at work, you could be quite messed up.

If you are saddled with thoughts of people’s expectations of you, to-do-list, meeting deadlines, family, relationships, health, political, and global issues around, and you are unable to focus on your priorities, your daily life could be in disarray.

The implication is that it is capable of plunging your motivation, enthusiasm, and commitment to work, which cumulatively affects your productivity.

However, one of the simple way to fix it is knowing your acupressure points connected to the memory and stimulating them to create a balanced mind.

A Chinese philosophy posits that a conflicting mind will lead to insecurity, lack of concentration, forgetfulness, anxiety, overall productivity, and insomnia. This is a popular Hsüan Chiao belief.

If you’re able to focus and work undistracted, your creative output flows effortlessly and you become more productive. This can be achieved by working on your acupressure points. [5,1]

Acupressure is a type of acupuncture, one of the five main alternatives to medicine. Acupressure originated in ancient China. Just like acupuncture, it is based on the elementary principle of acupoints operation across the meridians.[1]

It is a conventional form of massage in which pressure is applied to points on the body or face in correlation with the energetic flow channel. These flow channels are what we refer to as meridians[2]

A therapist can unblock these lines by applying pressure with the hand, elbow, or a massaging device, thus promoting a sense of physical balance.[2]

It involves stimulating pressure points near the body’s meridian for easy passage of energy, known in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as Chi (Qi), to flow freely.[3]

There are more than 400 acupoints along twelve (12) major meridians connected to specific organs or networks of organs, establishing a system of communication all over the body.[2, 4]

These meridians which are connected to the brain, begin at the fingertips and are further connected to the organs. Activation of the trigger points on the meridians by applying pressure accelerates pain reduction at the local site which also radiates to the other parts of the body. l[4,1]

Six acupoints of memory

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  1. Tai Yang (Sun point): We sometimes naturally and subconsciously massage our temples when we feel stressed or feel like our head is full of many thoughts that need analyzing and providing solutions.

This shows the importance of these spots in acupressure. This can be found in the indentation of the temple, just about 1.5inches away from the eyebrows.

When gentle pressure is applied to this point for three minutes, it eases mental stress and enhances concentration. It is very important that the pressure is applied gently.

By stimulating one or two of the following acupressure points, you will be able to organize your thoughts and have a better focus aimed at creativity and productivity. [2]

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2. YANG BAI: This is the gall bladder point also referred to as the third eye point. This point is the depression that connects the forehead and nose bridge.

This point works greatly in improving stress, the ability to focus, and strengthening memory, all you need is a few minutes of deep massage about three to four times a day.

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3. BAI HUI: This is referred DU20/GV20 by the Americans. It is known as hundred convergence because of the belief that all the energies in the flow towards it, thus making it one of the most charged points of the body. [7]

Bai Hui is great for relieving stress, tension, and anxiety. It is capable of treating any kind of stress including insomnia. It boosts brainpower and improves cognitive ability and since all the yang energies of the body meet there, it produces a warm feeling that leaves you motivated and pumped for energetic activities.

It is used to combat the effects of physiological or psychological activities that cause a downward trend, such as diarrhea, menstrual flow, or any sinking mood. [7]

Applying some gentle but firm pressure on your bai hui brings an instant change in perspective. If you’re stuck in the middle of solving a puzzle or having writer’s block, It refreshes your thinking and gives you a new perception. [1]

Are you a writer or content creator that sometimes runs short of ideas, massaging this point for 2-3minutes does the trick by improving your emotional energy?

4. Gate of consciousness (GB-20): This is the shallow hollow part just below the base of the skull. This is a good stimulating point for relieving headaches and improving memory. and amazingly, it also helps to relieve arthritis pain in any part of the body thus improving concentration that has hitherto been lost because of the complications of arthritis.

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5. Middle of a person (GV-26): This is located just below the nostrils and before the upper lips. It’s a great point for restoring consciousness and improving concentration.

If you find yourself distracted and easily lost in your imaginary world without getting anything done, stimulating the GV-26 by applying gentle pressure can do the trick. Before you know it, your focus level is sharpened leading to more focused and effective work output. It also helps with fainting, cramps and dizziness

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6. Sea of Tranquility (CV-17): Between the two halves of the breastbones is a slight depression, this is the sea of tranquility in acupressure. It relieves insomnia, anxiety disorders, depression, nervousness, and other emotional instability that can hinder your effectiveness and productivity.

In conclusion, increasing memory performance is very crucial for all. The young need their cognitive ability in it’s optimum state to excel in learning and academics.

Adults need their minds to be at their best state of functionality to run their businesses, and professions, manage humans and material resources as well as maintain good relations.

Many societal, psychological and physiological situations can affect our memory’s performance from time to time, and not everyone has easy access to conventional health care.

Alternative medicine has been a thing for ages, and acupressure is one of the easiest that you can practice and see results, especially if you have a massaging device and if you are consistent.

Esther Lambe

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