Actually, I can.

Are you frustrated, discouraged or fed up at work? Does the work you are doing no longer leave you feeling fulfilled, or the team you manage no longer follows suit?

Great, me too.

Occasionally, I fall into a trap. One that you are also familiar with. The trap is usually around the second or third anniversary of the career I started. The trap is my own mind, and I fall into it every-single-time. It’s the point in which I begin reevaluating everything about my career:

  • Is my team really committed to me?
  • Do I still believe in the same mission I had when I started?
  • What is it like on the other side?
  • Do I give up?
  • Do I continue?

As a millennial, I am quick to make changes. I can easily take another role in the blink of an eye and have no regrets. However, as a college scholar, I’ve learned that the grass is not always greener. Instead of applying for other roles, jumping ship and restarting fresh, I’ve decided to stay, but with a twist. I decided that I can make a difference by changing my attitude.

Now it's tough to change your own attitude. We're stuck in the same routine every day. It's very difficult to make, however, just remember these three words:

Actually, I can.

Actually, I can change my mindset.

Actually, I can change why I'm doing what I do.

Actually, I can get in a better mood.

Actually, I can get my team on board.

Actually, I can hit the sales goals, project goals, etc.

Actually, I can.

The mindset that we fall victim to is our own negative mindset. The only person that is in control of this mindset is yourself. So, with that being said - I'm going to change my mindset. I'm going to start thinking differently. Just like starting a new career, with a new challenge, why not stir the pot up and make the challenge happen all on your own. Create new objectives for yourself. Instill confidence in your team and treat your team members like you would treat your best customers. Divide and conquer. Create the new exciting challenge that a new career will give you without actually changing careers. Under no circumstance do we need to start our days the same way everyday. We also don't have to finish them the same way either. So, starting now, begin your 'new' career at the career you already have. Make a new challenge, create a new type of energy that did not exist before and always remember:

Actually, I can.


