Well, I like to consider myself salt-worthy, so I spent the better part of 6 weeks compiling bureau, speaker, client and (naturally) my own opinions on trending hot topics in our industry.
And because I LOVE a good word cloud, here are the TOP 10 TOPICS of 2022 dumped into an image shaped like "2022".
- GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS – Work-Life Balance, The Business of Healthcare, Trends Shaping Healthcare, Health Hacks/Shortcuts, Alternative/Integrative Medicine, Changing Habits/Breaking Habits, Living a Better Life
- EMBRACING CHANGE – Innovation, Thought Leadership, Leading Change, Reengagement, Managing Teams Through Change, Evolution not Revolution, Creativity & Innovation
- DIVERSITY & INCLUSION - Ensure those that are diverse actually feel and/or are welcomed; may include Race, Gender, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, Nationality, Socioeconomic Status, Language, (Dis)Ability, Age, Religious Commitment, or Political Perspective.
- MENTAL & EMOTIONAL HEALTH - Building Resiliency and Coping Strategies, Dealing with Stress, Stress Management techniques, Meditation, Mindfulness, Holistic Health & Spirituality, Mental Health & Safety at Work
- FUTURE OF WORK - Digital Disruption, Future Proofing Business & Career, Future Trends, What’s Next?, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Genomics, Sharing Economy
- OVERCOMING ADVERSITY & RESILIENCE - Overcoming Hardships and Challenges, Being more Resilient and Developing Resilience, Bouncing Back & Reinventing
- LEADERSHIP - Strategic Leadership, Hybrid Leadership, Vulnerability, Bravery & Courage, Authenticity, Accountability, Leadership Habits & Hacks, Neuroscience Brain Science, Thought Leadership, Transformational Leadership, High impact Leadership, High performance Leadership, Women in Leadership?
- RISK & RISK MITIGATION - Managing Risk in a COVID-19 World, Securing Supply Chains, Cybersecurity, Hacking and Hack Proof, Financial/Risk/Economics Topics – China, Trade Wars, Climate, Economy Updates, Threats
- ENTREPRENEURISM & BUSINESS GROWTH - Thriving in Turbulent Times, Post COVID-19 Opportunities, Growth hacking, 10X, Venture capital VC, Start -Ups, Entrepreneur/wantrepreneur, Exponential Growth, Roll ups – Roll outs
- MOTIVATION & INSPIRATION - Motivational Stories and Techniques, High Performance Teams, Collaboration, Focus – clarity, Growth/Fixed Mindset, Goalsetting, Happiness in the workplace