Acts and stories
Idea Translator I Catalyst I Coach I Co-Pilot
Every one of us plays roles in our life. Some are real and some are not so real. We can distinguish roles in many dimensions i.e. giver and taker, doer and observer, negative and vibrant, teacher and learner, doctor and patient, father and son, mother and daughter, you, me and we.
Whatever roles we are playing we want to achieve something, we want to do something, we want to have something, we want to experience something and we want to accomplish something.
And the main thing of the something is we don’t know what this thing is.
What you think will satisfy your needs exactly? Are you sure about this?
What are the inputs needed? Who will process this for you? Are you ready? What is the expected output? Finally what is the outcome? What is the influence? Are you making a difference?
What will tell us that I am a good father? A good teacher?
What will tell us that I am good employee? A good employer?
Good is the enemy of the best, so to make something great doing the good things are not enough.
Select your roles you want to play like a master artist. Play and enjoy the roles and when you play make others to enjoy.
Could you craft a fantastic story that you will be delighted to share? Anyway do you have a story? Have you ever told anyone? To yourself? What did you notice? Everyone successful have a story. Yes, they had it before they became successful. They crafted it and then lived it.
Craft a story and act upon it.