Actors on a stage
The Financial Executives Networking Group, Inc. (The FENG)
The World's Largest Network of Financial Executives. (CFOs, Controllers, & treasurers)
In certain respects you have to envy actors. Every time they get up on stage they get to assume the role of some new personality or character. Sometimes I wish I could do that.
I have often thought about my 90-second announcement and wondered what it would be like to assume the role of someone else for the evening. On the other hand, it is hard enough just being me.
But, who am I anyway? Do the words in my 90-second announcement really describe who I am and what I can do? I know I have been going to meetings of The FENG for over 25 years, but I still wonder if I have gotten any better at describing myself to those listening. I hope I have.
During our meetings I listen for 90-second announcements that really tell me about the individual behind the announcement. More often than not, however, they are long histories that begin at the beginning and don't tell me the essence of the man behind the curtain.
In our unending efforts not to close off any possibilities, we frequently describe ourselves too broadly and tend to leave off a lot of interesting information that would be useful to the audience in understanding the character we are playing. And, that is exactly how you should see your 90-second announcement.
You are really in the position of an actor on the stage. Your audience is before you. Your assigned task is to communicate the essence of the character you are playing that evening. What words should you use? Unfortunately, you need to write the script. And, you need to think of it as a script.
How are you going to hold the attention of the audience? Will everyone be nodding off, or will they sit up straight in their chairs when you speak?
Your 90-second announcement is useful not only for meetings of The FENG, but also for interviews. When they ask "Tell me about yourself," this is what you should use. Don't go on and on. Use your 90-second announcement and then stop. Wait to see what other information they are looking for.
Remember we are all but actors on a stage.
Regards, Matt