The Activist Ethic and Principles
Jeroninio (Jerry) Almeida
Pro Orator/Author/Storyteller who tells energising TRUE STORIES of inspirational REAL HEROES, Mgt/HR/OD Consultant, Leadership/Executive/Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Mentor, moJOsh Inspirator, Son, Hub, Dad, Bro, Bud...
In the past few days many have asked me why I am not taking sides with the activists or comics who are being victimized. Well frankly my idea of activism is to take sides with people at large and what is right for the people and to take sides AGAINST what is wrong without any partiality or partisanship. I am often perplexed about how most activists, bureaucrats, journalists and members of NGOs, Judiciary, UN organisations etc. call themselves activists, while most of them are aligned and partial to some or other political party and their limited ideologies, which are mostly against the PEOPLE AT LARGE. It is this #LootyensCartelCronysim, which is the most appalling and what has compromised India and her people over time.
Ethically, I feel every member of public organisations as mentioned above, should be #TrueActivists who are #Neutral and #NonPartisan, with regard to ANY and EVERY POLITICAL PARTY/IDEOLOGY and ABSOLUTELY IMPARTIAL to the WRONGS perpetrated by ANY and All OF THEM.
When we as activists align with any Political Party or Party Ideology, it is #ConflictOfInterest and compromises our credibility in a BIG WAY and more than that it completely DEMOLISHES THE CAUSE in a much bigger way. We give the Wrongdoers an opportunity to pick on our convenient biases and UNHOLY alliances. Thus, the entire NARRATIVE and STRENGTH of the CAUSE, gets #vitiated. Hence, we must be careful and observe our mindsets, behaviours and speech in public platforms. In hindsight a lot of what people SPEAK TODAY, while they remained SILENT in #YESTERYEARS, sounds #Duplicitous and #Hypocritical. And this is HOW the CAUSE gets compromised!
Everybody Loves a Good Drought is a book, by P. Sainath, about his research findings of poverty in the rural districts of India. For the uninitiated, #EverybodyLovesAGoodDrought is the established classic on rural poverty in India. Twenty years after publication, it remains unsurpassed in the scope and depth of reportage, providing an intimate view of the daily struggles of the poor and the efforts, often ludicrous, made to uplift them. An illuminating introduction accompanying this twentieth-anniversary edition reveals, alarmingly, how a large section of India continues to suffer in the name of development so that a small percentage may prosper. Besides exposing chronic #misgovernance, it is also a devastating comment on the media's failure to speak for the voiceless. (Please note Media has always been biased for years and years now and always willing to appease the PARTY IN POWER. So its not a new thing. BUT yes its gone to whole new level which is deplorable and despicable)
The book scathingly unveils how trickle up and down theories do not work in reality in the country, and the stunningly high levels of corruption in so called development projects by Government and NGOs (International and Local) who work in cahoots with each other to siphon public funds and resources meant for the Poor.
Politicians love it to #Polarise and #ManyActivists (so-called), Comics, Journalists and members of Judiciary, Bureaucracy, NGOs, UN and of-course #OppositionParties, love to use it as an opportunity to enhance their own agendas, interests and claim to fame. It’s disgusting!
In the past few months, I have noticed that many have used the #ShaheenBagh Platform and compromised the cause. I remember on 12 Jan, 2020 when we announced the #RexKarmaveerGlobalFellowship for all the #WomenOfShaheenBagh, huge crowds gathered there and many so-called activists turned up there (including #ShashiTharoor) and completely compromised the event.
Thus, we did not announce or confer the fellowship that day, since the entire concept of supporting the women and adding strength to their shoulders was compromised because rumours of #InternationalNGOFunding and #ChristianFunding, began making the rounds, after all these #CompromisedClowns used the platform to enhance their own self-serving and hidden agendas. We then gave the award in a quiet ceremony on 20th Jan and I refrained from attending and speaking there, since I have a Christian name (Have no patience to explain to people that I am not religious and follow no religion).
Many have made speeches and written articles; against the Current Government and we SURELY must speak against all the wrongs that they are doing. However, all these speeches are now being twisted by the Government, since many of these so-called activists were part of the #IndianNationalCongress (#INC) Government sponsored #NationalAdvisoryCouncil. At that time most of them had not spoken against corruption and wrongs perpetrated by many members of the #INCParty.
I have worked with some of the activists and we had opposed the pogrom of 2002. From then on, I have been telling them we should do it impartially without any political alliance (covert or overt). In 2002, I have worked with some of them, to protest against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, for stating in their report that 2 USD as minimum wage is good enough for families to survive. Circa 2012, a decade later these same activists did not oppose Montek Singh Ahluwalia, when he claimed Rs. 32 is good enough for a family to live well in India, while he was splurging public funds for upgrading 2 toilets in his office, which cost Rs. 35 lakhs.…/articles…/13859666.cms
Now the math is simple! A decade later Rs. 32 is much less than a US Dollar but no one opposes this foolish statement by #Wiseguy #Montek. I had written to some of these people in the NAC asking them “Have you become salves to red Beacon Cars that you cannot stand up and speak out against your master Montek Singh Ahluwalia? (Montek was the Dy. Chairman of the #PlanningCommission at that time which was overseeing work done by the #NAC)
I used to call one of the activists (I worked with against the pogrom of 2002) Aapa (Big Sister). She was also the real sister of a firebrand activist who was murdered by members of the #INCParty in broad daylight, since his street-plays used to expose their cunning ways and wrongdoings. I used to keep reminding her about it that how can you align with a Party who killed your brother. Then I learned that she also gets support from INC and I cut the umbilical cord when I understood the reason why my reminders about her brother, fell on deaf ears.
To conclude we must remember that WE AS ACTIVISTS must be absolutely NEUTRAL and NON-PARTISAN when it comes to aligning with any Political Party or Ideology. Pray how can a journalist write against a Party that she or he is not aligned to, but fails to write against the Party that they are aligned with (we have seen this over years with #PrannoyRoy and his proteges #BarkhaDutt, #RajdeepSardesai and #ArnabGoswami who are Their Master’s VOICE). We also saw it with #TarunTejpal who never took a stand against the Indian National Congress while he wrote volumes against the BJP.
Anyway without taking any more names (I am sure you get my drift and know it all now), let me conclude by explaining the ethic and 10 principles we must practice to be #RealActivists and stay true to the cause. If we do not stay true to the cause and get aligned with some Political Party/Ideology , then our intent is questionable and our stand and speak will be vitiated, like it is being done presently by the current corrupt and communal Party in Power, the #BJP.
#TheActivistEthic – Simply stay NEUTRAL and NON-PARTISAN. Take sides with the right, take sides with the oppressed and AGAINST THE OPPRESSOR no matter WHICH POLITICAL PARTY/IDEOLOGY they BELONG TO and regardless of what their religion, caste, gender, creed or status/stature/power in society.
And here are 10 Principles to Practice to be REAL ACTIVIST who is TRUE TO THE CAUSE AND THE PEOPLE.
1. Activists must HAVE INTEGRITY to do WHAT IS RIGHT, when NO ONE IS WATCHING and not just to speak GLIB when they are on TV panels or in the PUBLIC LIMELIGHT.
2. Stand Up and Speak out against ANY and ALL WRONGS and WRONGDOERS, no matter who are what you have to STAND UP AGAINST.
3. Do not covertly promote HIDDEN AGENDAS for personal or professional reasons, REMEMBER TRUE INTENT CUTS THROUGH AND IS BEYOND ANY SKEPTICISM OR DOUBT.
4. Never align with any political party, business or vested interest. Even if you work with people in Government, always RESERVE THE RIGHT to SPEAK AGAINST THEM and above all EXERCISE THAT RIGHT.
7. Always follow the Guiding Principles of Humanity. There is NO THEM and US. Just WE THE PEOPLE who do RIGHT and stand up FOR THE PEOPLE.
8. Do what is MORALLY RIGHT and not just what is LEGALLY RIGHT.
9. DECLINE any official position or title offered by any Political Organisation or Party.
10. Avoid Individual Gut and Glory. Build a Collective Movement and People Ideology. Remember “They can kill, harm, exile, imprison, destroy/ defame a person but not an idea. They can co-opt/ corrupt a person but not an idea. An idea that becomes a collective movement & ideology. A collective ideology like a PEOPLE’s CONSTITUTION, cannot be killed, harmed, exiled, imprisoned, destroyed, defamed, co-opted or corrupted. This shall always prevail and stay as an ideology BY THE PEOPLE, OF THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE collectively.”
So, let us KEEP THE GOOD FIGHT ON against the BJP Government and their myopic, biased, mindless CAA/NRC/NPR and other wrong agendas, without compromising the PEOPLE OF INDIA in any way.
Remember Together as ONE, we can #RIGHTeveryWRONG.
#AntiCAA #AntiNRC #AntiNPR #ProCAA #ProNRC #ProNPR #NarendraModi #BJP #BhartiyaJantaParty #IndianNationalCongress #AaamAadmiParty #GoodGovernance #Courruption #CommunalHarmony