ActiveProtect: Keeping the mould safe
Actively protecting mould safety
Cared for and maintained properly, the average injection precision mould running 10-second cycles should have a lifespan of over 10 million cycles over five years. However, there are several different elements, including melt pressure, clamp design, and the corrosiveness of the material being injected that can weaken the mould structure and impact the quality of parts being produced. At Sumitomo (SHI) Demag, our highly sensitive activeProtect feature helps to enhance and preserve the longevity of moulds.
Incorporated within our second-generation IntElect all-electric series, the activeProtect mould safety system is designed to protect moulds from damage by foreign objects and prevent part defects. The latest system showcases how the new FEM-assisted centre press platens deliver improved clamp force distribution, which, combined with Sumitomo’s own highly dynamic servo drives, delivers maximum in-mould protection, should a foreign object enter the mould.
The improved activeProtect mould safety system, combined with technology improvements on the IntElect, including up to 30% stiffness improvement in the moving and stationary platens with enhanced linear guidance, improves production safety.
Shorter production runs, processing conditions, melt temperatures, how carefully moulds are stored between changeovers, abrasive cleaning and over-running moulds can all drastically reduce their usable life. These are just a few of the many variables that affect the life expectancy of moulds that all moulders should be aware of. Furthermore, a rigorous opening and closing of the mould can diminish the life expectancy of a tool and the machine, potentially leading to costly repairs. The sequence should be smooth and controlled, which is exactly what our drives are designed to do without incurring cycle time penalties.
Many of the IntElect’s enhancements can be attributed to the machine’s improved drive system, which is geared towards high dynamics, precision and repeatability. The 400v motor design is shorter and features new types of spindles. Its encapsulated windings improve heat transmission, while the new load cell improves precision in addition to reducing heat sensitivity. The new drive system is now proven as a vital link in perfecting the interaction between the injection unit, clamping unit and ejectors.
The enhanced safety, when integrated with other features, including the highly optimised axis control which is applied to all machine axis, and single valve technology to reduce lubricant consumption by 50%, can significantly reduce the frequency for scheduled machine and mould maintenance. Potentially doubling the machine service intervals and saving on average £780.00 per annum on lubricants.
#activeProtect #SumitomoDemag #mouldsafety