Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs)
Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs)

Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs)

Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs)

In the realm of investment, the tug of war between Active and Passive Investment Management has birthed a rich tapestry of investment types. Each strives to meet the diverse needs of clients. Stepping into the spotlight are Actively Managed Certificates, presenting a compelling solution for cost-effective and flexible actively managed strategies.

In today's investment landscape, diversity is key. Investors now seek customized investment strategies encompassing a myriad of asset classes: equities, bonds, derivatives, alongside alternative and digital assets. The trend leans towards allocating resources to active portfolio managers, driving up the demand for tailor-made strategies. These asset managers implement active portfolio management strategies, aiming to outperform investment benchmarks or achieve specific target returns.

What Exactly are Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs)?

Historically, pooled investments found their typical avenue through investment funds. However, high entry barriers involving substantial initial capital and regulatory complexities have paved the way for new forms of pooled investment opportunities. The convergence of structured products, innovation, and digitalization has given birth to Actively Managed Certificates, also known as AMCs. Asset managers are increasingly drawn to this mode of active investment management due to its simplicity, flexibility, and scope for customization.

For both asset managers or institutions embarking on the journey of active investment management and existing players already invested in AMCs, we've compiled a comprehensive summary of this evolving structured product.

Diving into Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs): Structured Flexibility

Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) essentially represent securitized portfolios, offering portfolio managers the liberty to dynamically adjust them based on their discretion or pre-set index rules.

Issuers have the flexibility to launch AMCs either as on- or off-balance sheet certificates, catering to private placements or being exchange-traded.

Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs): Many Names, Many Strategies

In recent years, AMCs have gained significant traction among investment managers striving to customize strategies according to their clients' unique needs.

Experts recognize Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) by various monikers, such as Exchange Traded Notes, Exchange Traded Instruments, Dynamic Equity Notes, Strategy Notes, Strategy Index Certificates, and Actively Managed Trackers.

These structured products derive their returns from the performance of underlying assets with basis values. Beyond mimicking actively managed funds or indices, AMCs are increasingly employed for non-bankable assets like cryptocurrencies, art, illiquid assets, or a blend of various asset classes.

This dynamic landscape enables portfolio managers to swiftly set up and adapt diverse investment strategies for their clients.

Keen to explore our Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) platform in detail? Head over to for a deeper understanding.

Stay tuned for more insights into the fascinating world of Actively Managed Certificates!

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