Active Shooter's – Can We Survive
Jeff L. May
Law–Enforcement Techniques Defending against Active Shooters, Workplace Violence, Counterterrorism 1-844-273-9723
Active Shooter's – Can We Survive
The horrific events that occurred Sunday October 1, 2017 have left all of us here at APEX SCF stunned and our hearts are broken. Being a Nevada based company brings this tragedy even closer to our hearts. Our thoughts, prayers, and love are with all the victims, witnesses, first responders, and heroes in Las Vegas. We mourn the loss of so many lives cut short by evil. But, mourning is not enough. We all must learn from this because the sad truth is that it will happen again. When it does, and evil comes to your doorstep, we hope that a few insights from us can ensure your survival.
We have all seen it, up close and personal on our big screen televisions, the wolves are out there waiting to prey on the flock. It is no longer okay to go through life not believing that these terrible things can happen to us. If you don’t believe that someone can be as evil as what we saw in Las Vegas then; when it comes to you, you will freeze. You won’t react, you will freeze because your thoughts would have prepared your mind to react in that manner. The only reaction available to your brain will be your previous thoughts and if those thoughts were… “I don’t believe this could happen.” … then your brain has nowhere to go to help you.
We have discussed in our training and in previous articles that the best training you can do is play the “If-Then” game in your head. The simple act of thinking to yourself; “If someone were to walk in here right now and start to inflict violence…Then, I am going to flee in that direction – or – I will fight with this weapon – or – I will hide behind this cover until I can run or fight. You should always scan rooms when you enter to know where the exits are. You should pay close attention to other people around you. The times of living in our little personal bubbles are over; you must open your eyes and believe that predators are real. Have a plan to react!
A chain link fence with a fabric screen on it will not stop a bullet traveling 2,653 feet per second!! Understand the difference between things that will hide you and those that can actually protect you. Just because you can no longer see the threat does not mean that you are safe. In an active shooter situation be aware that what you are hiding behind could fail you.
CONCEALMENT is something that will hide you from sight; a bush, a fence, a sign. The problem with hiding behind these objects is that they give you a false sense of security. You find yourself believing that since you cannot see the threat that you must be safe. This is not Hollywood folks, couches and walls DO NOT stop bullets. Even a pistol round can penetrate a typical, non-cement, wall. If all you have available is something to hide you, use it, but understand that you are still in peril and move, as quickly as you can, to an area of cover.
COVER is something that will hide you and…STOP a bullet; a cement wall, the engine block of a car, a large tree, an earthen berm. If you cannot safely flee the area look for these items. If you have started to believe, then you already will have scanned the area that you are in and have some idea where these type of structures are. If bullets are flying, FIND COVER!
If you can escape then do so, and quickly! Having scanned the area already you know where your escape route is; if the threat is not blocking it, use it! There is nothing heroic about not running and getting killed, survival is just that, survival. If an escape opportunity presents itself, take it and go. Now…when you do escape, keep going. Do not pause to collect your cell phone or your bag/s, grab your loved ones and run. Do not stop running just because the gunfire has stopped, keep going until you physically cannot or until you have reached safety. Safety is not the first police officer that you encounter, as a matter of fact, that is a very unsafe position. Keep in mind, the sheepdogs will be running TOWARDS the wolf! They will be baring their teeth and doing everything they can to put themselves between the threat and you so don’t stop. Keep your wits about you, continue to scan the area for cover. Do not run in a straight line, vary your course, make yourself the hardest possible target there could be. For all of you Game of Thrones Fans out there, just think of Rickon Stark. I know that all of you were screaming at the television as Ramsey Bolton was raining arrows at Rickon, telling him to swerve, weave, stop and go, anything but run away in a straight line! Seriously Rickon?
Understand and know your enemy and the tools of his trade. Guns are frightening. They are supposed to be scary, they are made to kill so you should have a healthy respect for them, but not a fear. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the weapons the wolf will bring to bear against you. Gunny Highway said it best in Heartbreak Ridge, “This is the AK47 assault rifle, the preferred weapon of our enemy. It makes a distinctive sound when fired.” The problem is that most people’s experience with gunfire comes from those movies and movies are far from reality. Watching videos and news reports from Las Vegas we could hear snapping sounds and then the report from the weapon in the distance. Those snaps were the sounds of bullets striking; they weren’t fireworks or firecrackers; they were evil raining down on those people. Don’t argue with yourself or your senses, those who have experienced the sound of gunfire knew what it was and reacted appropriately. Others, those who couldn’t BELIEVE or hadn’t prepared, could not wrap their minds around what they were hearing and hesitated. If you have no experience with guns, get some. Even if it is just a trip to your local gun shop so that you can handle one, feel it, or better yet go to a firing range. Some people are opposed to guns and gun ownership and there is nothing wrong with that point of view. The problem is…the wolves do not share those beliefs or morals so if you want to defeat them, you have to familiarize yourself with their weapons and tactics.
October 1, 2017 is seared in our memories and 58 members of our flock were viciously taken from us. It will take time for all of us to recover. Part of that recovery is knowing that evil will never win…never. The incredible acts of courage and selflessness during and after the attack should lift and warm our hearts. There were no individuals on the Las Vegas strip that night, no thoughts of race or politics, there were only humans helping others. A man using his body to shield someone he did not even know. A woman driving the wounded to the hospital. Others carrying people to safety then going back for more. Some staying to help the injured as bullets continued to rain down. Sheepdogs ferociously defending their flock and Angels; Angels that stayed with the dying without thought of their own safety. We are people because of other people. Honor the courage that was displayed in Las Vegas and take care of your fellow man. Show the wolves that they will never triumph.
May the light of GOOD always shine upon you. And, if the wolf happens to find you, may you open up a huge can ‘o Whoop #@$ and send him running with his tail tucked!
“We will survive because our God is with us ALWAYS”
“A hero is a man or woman that does what they can.”
NHA Certified Medical Assistant
6 年Useful tools for our tool box. Thank you Mr. May! Respectfully, Lynne Nelson