Activated Carbon is the unrivalled desiccant for odour problems in healthcare products
Sorbchem India Pvt. Ltd.
Providing Quality Desiccants And Adsorbents to Increase the Shelf Life of Products.
We know that odour control is crucial to maintaining a healthy and safe environment in any healthcare facility. That's why we're excited to introduce our odour control desiccants, specifically designed for the #healthcare industry's unique needs.
Our solutions are effective and reliable, helping to eliminate unpleasant odours caused by bodily fluids, #medical waste, and other sources. We use advanced #technology that neutralizes odours and prevents them from returning.
We provide activated carbon desiccant as our excellent odour control desiccant for controlling any bad smell from the primary #packaging of healthcare products. Thus, combined with other primary packaging materials, the desiccant becomes a more effective and versatile #odour-controlling solution for healthcare companies. Therefore, the odour control packets ensure that the products reach the end-users without losing their #quality and efficiency.
Other than activated carbon desiccant there are other variants for controlling odour problems such as silica gel with activated carbon desiccants in the form of pillow pak, unit pak and canister. The different forms of odour solutions have different #absorption capacities and are ideal for several pharmaceutical products.
Thus, odour-control desiccant like pillow pak and unit pak are ideal for medicine bottles and bulk drug packaging. However, a canister is best for small #medicine bottles where big sachets and bags of desiccants can’t fit in. The #desiccant canister does that by controlling the moisture and humidity levels inside the small and compact medicine bottles. It also eliminates the risk of mould, fungus and other contaminants.
In conclusion, activated carbon odour-control desiccant in any form is viable option for controlling odour problems in the healthcare industry. The desiccant has advantages and disadvantages depending on the specifications of the healthcare products. Therefore, our products namely pillow pak, unit pak with Tyvek paper packaging and canister manufactured with HDPE are environmentally friendly and safe for use in healthcare settings. They are easy to use and can be customized to meet the specific needs of your facility.